  • Female
  • Charlotte, NC
  • United States
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Charlie's Discussions

Corgi for adoption!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Charlie Sep 5, 2009. 12 Replies

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Hi, I'm Charlie, and yes, I'm a girl! ;)

Profile Information

North Carolina
About Me:
My name is Charlie and I'm a Pembroke Welsh Corgi!
Just recently relocated with my family to the beautiful North Carolina!!

Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I've mastered a few tricks thus far! I can give you my paw, either paw, lay down, climb stairs and as of late crawling!
I have:

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Charlie's Blog

How to make a Party Dress for a Corgi

Posted on September 5, 2011 at 3:17pm 8 Comments

Hi fellow Corgi lovers :-)


I completely forgot my log in information for Charlies page and have been dying to post a whole bunch of new things!

The past week I've been working on a dress for my little love for her Birthday next month. She'll be turning 4... oh how fast time flies....


I haven't sewn anything in over a decade and when I purchased a new sewing machine I was eager to try it out and see what I could make. As finding outfits for Charlie…


Happy to announce!

Posted on May 10, 2010 at 9:44am 6 Comments

Charlie is officially back with us! We've had a rocky couple of years, but thankfully things have picked up, we relocated and have our special little girl back where she belongs.. with her family! It's been hard not having her around, and we know her 'brother' (cat) missed her a lot, but I'm happy to announce that she's back home!

We have this great area of land close to our new home and she has so much room to run around and play.. have also been trying to teach her how to…

Where's Charlie been?

Posted on February 26, 2009 at 2:46pm 7 Comments

Hello Fellow MyCorgi Folks,

Sorry for the lack of activity on Charlies page. Things have been really rough lately (as I'm sure it has been the same for others as well) and I haven't been able to post anything new. We lost our place due to a foreclosure and Charlie is no longer living with me. :(

She's getting big though, and somehow got some spring in her step. I've seen her jump up on a big bed and fly around on the couches! How she does it with those little legs, I'll never… Continue

A question for anyone who can answer! :)

Posted on September 5, 2008 at 2:30pm 7 Comments

Well we have successfully passed through our first heat cycle.. But as of late, we've moved and now I'm in a place with carpet.. so I am really dreading her having another. I heard that it isn't good to get a dog fixed after she's already gone through her first heat cycle.. Is this true? I want to get her fixed, but I was financially unable to... Not sure what to do? Also what's the procedure like for a female dog and how much would it run?

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

my first.. period..?

Posted on July 17, 2008 at 4:00pm 3 Comments

2 days ago, Charlie officially went in to heat. Not sure how long the little bits of blood are going to last.. We tried putting a diaper on her, but that didn't last too long, she always manages to tear it off when I'm not looking! But none-the-less she's officially an adult now :-)

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At 12:04am on May 22, 2009, DR, Nala & Simon said…
About your post today about Charlie. Have you tried to contact Sunshine Corgi Rescue? I am pretty sure they can help. There are several members here that would be willing to give you a helping hand. for more info.

Hope you can find a great home for Charlie, and that things get better for you. Big hug, from Diana,Nala & Cosmo
At 9:16pm on March 12, 2009, Libby and Dyddy!! said…
Hey cute lil corgi! You should join the South East Florida Corgi group!
At 5:01pm on July 17, 2008, Katelyn said…
She's so cute!!!
At 9:49am on July 13, 2008, Steve said…
Love the name Charlie for a canine. I wanted to use this name at first, but my first pup responded to "Steve" more.
Charlie look just adorable in her colorful clothes & bandana.
At 6:42pm on June 16, 2008, momto3ltlgrlz said…
Charlie! You are absolutely beautiful in your clothes! You are a great model :) Awesome pictures!
At 3:18am on June 14, 2008, Stephanie & Lola said…
Charlie is too cute!! I love the dresses!! :)
At 1:11am on June 13, 2008, Cindi said…
Charlie's adorable. Looks kinda like our Maddie!
At 12:10am on June 13, 2008, mikonami said…
It was just a broken toe nail. It was kind of scary at the time, but it's all healed now. Mei has a turtle neck and skirt combo. It reminds me of Charlie's. Hehe
At 12:04am on June 13, 2008, Ginny and Diggory said…
so cute. what an extensive wardrobe!
At 5:15pm on June 12, 2008, Geri & Sidney said…
Welcome Charlie!

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