Okay, so mabye you know a while back we found a "stray?" ferret. I did what I could and finally turned it over to a ferret rescue. Well, I sort of missed the little girl (as smelly as she was) and I recently adopted a ferret kit(baby). He is one of the little brown/black/white ones in that "racoon" pattern, absoutely adorable no doubt. He was sweet when I chose him, he was nice the ride home, he loved his cage (It's massive, the size of an armoire). He was all cuddly in my hands he is using his litterbox! (great). I made sure everything was safe and let him run around the living room with Cheez-it in another room. He pretty much went nuts doing things I have never seen an animal do before. (Back-Side flips while clucking like a chicken anyone?) He seems to nip at my feet a little but he has not bitten me. So his cage is several floors of wrought-Iron ferret paradise, and the lower deck is Cheez-it face height. They check eachother out often. Cheez-it even licks him through the bars and they are really nice together unless there are any sudden movements in which case they both start frapping all around. Eventually they calm down and Cheez-it builds the courage to go back over there and check him out again. My foster ferret was really calm and sweet and got along great with Cheez outside together, but this one oh man he is excitable. Anyone have any experience introducing Corgi's and smaller pets of the non-canine type?
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