The vet says Riley has a rare form of skin cancer and only has a few months to live. He is only 8 years old! I do not accept those words!He has a bunch of sores on his legs and belly. My family is torn apart in tears right now. We prayed over him and believe that there are still miracles and that Riley will be one. He is still full of energy and eating mostly everything in sight. He was starting to have accidents in the house but again I prayed and he hasnt had one since last week when I prayed! Amen! I really believe he will recover! Has anyone heard of Corgi's getting skin cancer?

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on September 2, 2008 at 7:03pm
Hi Riley. I'm Sidney the Corgi, and my brother is also named Riley. I'm sorry to hear you are sick but I'm glad to hear you are teaching those vets a thing or two. Keep up the good work; we're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
Comment by Sir Riley of Pembroke on September 2, 2008 at 6:48pm
I have already lived 5 months past the first diagnosis! Yeah I am doing good!

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