Wally got his draining tube and stitches removed which means he's all better and collar free! His wound is healing very neatly and Dr. Beltran said he could go back to regular activity which is wonderful news. Wally's been able to play with the big dogs at daycare again so he's having a blast. My only concern now is that he's been behaving badly on his walks. He keeps tugging so hard that he chokes himself and continues to keep pulling and choking. When I stop he stops beside me but as soon as I move to step again, he's choking himself and hopping on his hind legs like a rabbit. Does he not understand that he can't breathe and needs to settle down? How can I correct this? I'm just concerned because he worked himself so hard today that he threw up when we got home and he's been breathing unusually hard lately. I guess we'll see what happens these next couple of days but if he doesn't improve I think I'll give Dr. Beltran a call.

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Comment by Carmen on September 17, 2008 at 4:36pm
We use a Gentle Leader on Trunks. He is a puller and the gentle leader definitely helps. Only problem is he acts like we are trying to hurt him when we put it on. Definitely read the manual before trying it.

I'm glad to hear that he is recovering and enjoying doggie day care!
Comment by Carlie on September 17, 2008 at 3:33pm
The gentle leader is what we've been using to train Kiwi. I swear she is a completely different dog when we put it on her, we are very consistent about making her wear it when we go for walks, but we treat it as a positive aspect in her daily walks. The nice thing about the gentle leader is that it helps them control themselves, it doesn't hurt them at all, if anything, it is just bothersome b/c it sits around their noses. She's pretty used to it now. If you do decide to get the gentle leader, make sure to read the training guide that comes with it, it is very helpful. Hope this helps

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