As a followup to this post

Wally's got an infection :( He's currently with the doctor for a few hours. They had to put him under anesthesia for a bit so they could drain the pus and whatnot from the infection.

He's gonna be walking around with some tube in his arm for the next few days so that the pus can drain. Boo :(

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Comment by Sam on September 4, 2008 at 9:08pm
While it may cause a rift with neighbors it is always good to report attacks to animal control. Sadly next time it could be a child or an even smaller dog that dies at the "paws" of this dog. No doubt these people are unable to control this dog and perhaps this has happened before. You may help someone else avoid the injuries that your dog has suffered. I suspect the apartment manager would not be thrilled knowing there was a dangerous dog in the complex either.
Comment by Mike, Susan, Wally,Oliver & Eva! on September 4, 2008 at 7:51pm
Yeah it was a pit bull that bit him. She was on a leash but she got away from her owners and came running down the hill and just went straight for Wally. As for the owners, they live in our apt building so we know where to find them and they said they'd take full responsibility for his medical bills. Definitely hope they don't back out of their word, especially since there's this infection to worry about now. Anyway, thanks for the well wishes and we'll keep you guys posted.
Comment by Carmen on September 4, 2008 at 7:20pm
Poor Wally! I hope he gets well soon! Poor little guy!

Did you get the information for the Pitbull's owner? I hope he is helping you pay for the vet.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on September 4, 2008 at 5:36pm
Wally got bitten by the pitbull, right?
Poor guy. How constrained will he be? Was the pit unleashed? We were just talking about our dogs getting attacked by unrestrained dogs on another thread, and now poor Wally has an infection. I hope the other guy's gonna pay his bill.

Sidney says "hang in there, buddy"

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