It's been quite a long time since my last blog post. Risa is 6 months now and we did lots of funny stuff in the last

month. We visited a puppy class, but I wasn't satisfied by the methods used there. It was our first and last visit there. I decided not to spend my Risa's puppyhood on training just obedience and we're working on some funny tricks right now. I also found out that the good old Sit, Down, Stay are too boring for Risa. I'm sure he's enjoying the tricks much more and that's important for me. Two weeks ago we took Risa to International Dog Show - just to look, not to compete. He was quite excited by all the dogs (2000 of them there) and wanted to make friends with each of them :)
This week I was ill and that's the point where I want to talk about the connection between me and my dog. It was just a cold, but Risa was able to recognize that something's wrong with me. He was looking into my eyes more often, like if he wanted to find out what's happening with me. And today he started to cough himself (I hope I didn't infect him). So now we are both drinking chamomile tea with honey and sipping cough syrup. Isn't that a strong connection?

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Comment by Lou Ann Lemaster on October 5, 2008 at 9:07am
Isn't it funny how well dogs can read us? Whether we are sick, sad or upset, they seem to know.

When my mother-in-law passed away a couple of years ago; Duncan and Chloe could tell that something was different about my husband. He called me at work to tell me the news; so I left to go home which takes about an hour. When I got home, my husband was sitting outside with the dogs. He said he thinks the dogs are sick, they haven't really eaten much and won't leave his side. My husband has never had a dog, and didn't know that dogs could really sense your mood.

Duncan isn't much of a lap dog, but during the 3-4 days until the burial, he wouldn't leave my husband's side and would gently lay his head in his lap. As if saying, I'm here if you need me. It really touched my husband, and I think has made him want to have a dog all the time. My husband has always prefered cats until I got Duncan.

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