When my wife and I got married, we dog sat for a friend of ours, who had a corgi. Having this dog for the weekend changed our lives! As a result we said that at some point in the future we would get a corgi. In 2003 we moved from Maryland to Saint Louis to begin chiropractic school. We found Pet Second Chance via the web and fell in love with this picture of "lady" a corgi who had been left behind by previous owners. We visited, had her over to our house and said, "this is the one" About a year later my wife started the chirorpactic school and we didnt want ladybug {we added bug to her name b/c that was one of her nicknames, and ladybug just seemed to fit her personaltiy} to get lonley so we got cisco from PSC. The two have become inseperable ever since! They are now approximately 8 and 9 years old and aside from needing thier teeth cleaned regularly they are as health as can be! Oh and they do get chirorpactic care, which is saving them from arthritis and back problems most corgi's are prone to!
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