Well, I've decided that I'm not really satisfied with the results I'm getting from the Kirkland. After Shippo has been on this food for about 3 months, he has begun to get fleas when he's never EVER had them (In the 16 years I've been living in CO, NONE of my dogs have EVER gotten fleas), so to me, this means that the food he's been eating could possibly have something to do with his resistance towards fleas. I guess we'll see if that's the case in a couple months. He has also been having a lot of loose stools while on this food, and has been getting tear stains around his eyes.

I'll be trying out Chicken Soup, since the ingredients look a lot better. I know that both foods are made by Diamond, but this one looks a lot better than the Kirkland. I sure wish Canidae hadn't change formula and upped their price! If they hadn't, I'd still be feeding that!

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Comment by Shippo & Koga Corgis on October 13, 2008 at 10:34pm
Oh no, I never said I thought dog food caused peoples' allergies to pets. I just think that if there is a person who is allergic to a dog/cat/whatever, that the pet's diet can play a role on the amount and consistency of dander that pet puts out, which is one of the things on a pet that the person will be allergic to. Not saying that this is 100% fail safe either, because somebody else may be allergic to the pet's saliva and not their dander etc. But judging by the little theory I tested, in at least some cases, a pet's diet can play a role in pet allergies.

And as far as the fleas go, I'll blog about the results, whether or not the new diet fixes it. I will also be trying supplements and essential oils in an attempt to ward off these pests. I really don't want to have to put chemicals on my dogs just to get rid of the fleas... <./body>
Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on October 13, 2008 at 4:09pm
I agree with much of what you say about food allergies etc. And I think your theory about what you feed your dog effecting the human allergic reaction is an interesting one. You may be on to something!

Too bad you have to live in a house where you don't have the freedom to fix the enviroment because as long as there are fleas in the house, you'll be fighting a loosing battle against the fleas on Shippo.

I really would be interested in hearing how it works out for you when you do make your switch. I hope you'll keep me posted!
Comment by Cindi on October 13, 2008 at 3:41pm
Good luck on that. We're talking about moving toward Vermont at some point and I can't wait to get rid of the flea problem! I agree about food and allergies - though I'm not sure I'm up to speed on dog food causing people allergies. I am a big believer in feeding excellent food. We use Natural Balance Ultra Premium and the kids are doing great on it. You'll have to let us know how you do on the new food.
Comment by Shippo & Koga Corgis on October 13, 2008 at 1:27pm
He wasn't getting eye gunk till I switched foods for the first time in his life. Same for the fleas. Same for the loose stools. I know it's not definite, but diet CAN have something to do with every one of these problems. That is why I am trying something better. It's just a theory of mine. No harm in trying it out.

Many people also don't think food has to do with peoples' allergies to dogs, but I had a theory and acted on it. My boyfriend at the time was HIGHLY allergic to dogs (my dog a well). Most dogs are fed a crappy diet (just as mine was then). I switched my dog to a diet free of corn/wheat/soy/by-products etc., and a few months later I moved in with my boyfriend. No allergies ever again, for 5 years until I moved out again. We never made ANY changes to the amount of times I was brushing or bathing my dog or cleaning the house, and there were no allergy pills or shots. While we were living together, I noticed that he still had severe allergic reactions to most other dogs. Just out of curiosity, I always asked what these dogs were being fed - Beneful, Pedigree, Ol' Roy - so I really do think that a dog's diet CAN affect more than we think. And if I have a theory, why not try it and see if it works before shooting it down? I never hurts to try.

Fortunately, I don't live in Florida. I live in Colorado, and fleas are not supposed to be "a fact of life" here. That is why it blows me away that I'm seeing ANY fleas at all. None of my dogs have EVER had fleas! My main reason for continuing to live here in CO is because of the LACK of fleas. I would treat the house, but it's not my house and they refuse to do anything about it. If they would just clean their freaking house and bathe/brush their freaking dogs, I don't think there WOULD be fleas in this house. I'm working on moving the heck out of here, but in my current financial situation, it makes it extremely difficult.

If anything, I'll find a food that has better ingredients that my dogs to better on than the Kirkland, fleas or no fleas.
Comment by Cindi on October 13, 2008 at 11:00am
The food is not the problem with fleas or eye gunk. Eye gunk is generally an allergy problem and this time of year it is common. As for fleas, they're everywhere. You should, of course, continue to treat for fleas. We use all-natural flea control (using essential oils) and it helps a lot. But, get used to it; fleas are everywhere. Food change isn't going to do what you're aiming for.
Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on October 13, 2008 at 9:34am
I'm not sure the food has anything to do with your dogs getting fleas. I think it's just a case of fleas and other insects finding their way to places they've never been before.

Living in Florida, fleas are almost "a fact of life". When Soffie was about a year old we had a small infestation. I say small, because as soon as we saw them we jumped right on treating the house, yard and her. And (cross my fingers) we haven't had a problem since. What did we use?

At that time we were using Frontline but switched to Advanatage because the vet said it was more effective for fleas. We have since switched to Comfortis. (I highly recommend it!) And we use Capstar on the occasions when we visit Dawn's mom in Miami and they pick up a flea from her cats. We give it to them as soon as we get home and it stops them (the fleas) dead in their tracks.

The other thing we did ..... I sprinkled Borateam ( remember the old time laundry detergent? you can still get it) on all the carpets. Then with a corn broom you brush it down into the nap of the carpet. Let it sit for 24 hours then, vacumm in up! Repeat in a week and ..... like magic the fleas are gone! And.... it last for about a year! And.... it's non toxic to animals and humans!!

In the yard, I used a spray that I got from the vet, I forget exactly what it was called, but it was an enviromentally safe spray, something like Eco..... something. Well, anyway the end result is, we have been flea free ever since!

Back to the food, I wonder about the salt content in chicken soup. Have you used that before? We're feeding Soffie and Griffyn Pro Pac Low Fat. We switched them from Iams Lamb & rice about 3 months ago. They both love it and they have had no problems with their stools. It is a little more expensive then the grocery store foods etc... but I think any of those foods, if you buy the larger bag the cost per serving comes out to be less than when you buy the smaller bags.
Comment by Madog on October 13, 2008 at 7:40am
I am going through a food switch now and it isn't pretty. And the cost of good food guarantees Madog will be an only child. Although there was this incredible doberman at the petsmart this weekend that if I had the room, money and time would be with me know. He was incredible. And I don't even like dobermans.

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