I was so excited to bring Dr. Gonzo home. He's got the most adorable personality, and already follows me everywhere, I'm in love! He even gets along well with my cat, it's too cute!

Now here's the sad news...

Gonzo brought a lot of energy in the house, along with worms. The infestation is getting worse, he had a stool in the kitchen and there were no less then fifteen worms on the floor, not counting the stool itself. I called the breeder immediatly, she was horrified and said they had just de-wormed the whole litter the day before pickup, and he tested as negative. She's fedexing me some medication (they have an on-site vet) and told me there's no need to see a vet near me until his scheduled shots for next week. I'm really worried though, he's constantly thirsty and hungry, and at night when the worms are really active he's quite unhappy...I've been praying for him and constantly remain by his side. I need advice and some assuring words....

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Comment by Cindi on October 13, 2008 at 10:57am
It's not uncommon for pups to have worms. It happens all the time. When meeting new puppy/dog owners the first thing I ask is when is their vet appointment. Gonzo needs to be treated as quickly as possible. Glad your breeder is sending something, but without seeing the vet you may be treating the wrong parasite. Take Gonzo to your vet along with a stool sample to be safe.
Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on October 13, 2008 at 8:59am
He sure is a cutie!

When you say the breeder is Fed Exing... when do you expect delivery?? Because I'm thinking the sooner you get the meds into him the better. And I think you should probably try to keep him very contained. I don't know if the worms can be transmitted to your cat.

It's hard on us when our little ones are uncomfortable, but just do the best you can (sounds like you are) and Gonzo will be fine. And this will be a distant memory.

Look forward to the fun you're going to have watching him grow and become his own little self!
Comment by Madog on October 13, 2008 at 7:46am
Madog came with worms too and my vet said it happens and not to worry about it. He gave me a couple of pills that were to be taken 2 weeks apart. It killed of the worms and then a couple weeks later killed of the worms that were babies during the first pill. Madog had some bloody stool but is right as rain now.

I am sure Dr. Gonzo will be just fine. Get him on meds and give him lots of love. :)

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