Hi to all corgi lovers!!

I have just started my own blog where I will be posting things that interest me and things that I love. Of course, corgis will be a big part of my blog, and alot of other things regarding design too.

I am inviting all my fellow corgi owners to view my blog and hopefully to get some followers of my blog. Feel free to comment as much as you like, and you can also subscribe to the blog.

Blog: chanteloliveira.blogspot.com

Thanx ya'll!!

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Comment by Chantel & Princess Bella on October 17, 2008 at 10:41am
Hello corgi friends!

This is just another friendly reminder to pop in & check out my blog!

Thanx & Woof!
Chantel & Bella
Comment by Chantel & Princess Bella on October 15, 2008 at 3:21pm
:-) thanx so much Linda and Kaijuu Le Chui....I love that name its so originial & cool!
Comment by Linda and Kaijuu Le on October 15, 2008 at 1:38pm
aw thats cute! congrats with you and the bf! my bf and i have our anniv tomorrow - 3 year! =)

princess bella is adorableeeee

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