Wanted to share that I helped my dear rescue boy Zen cross the bridge on October 16. Zen arrived in my home in June 07 in horrible condition. Bless his heart I didnt even know where to start to try to bring this boy to some sort of reasonable health. The problems were many including severe hair loss, fungus infections of his ears and feet, he was deaf, had a misshapen ear due to an untreated hematoma, visually impaired probably due to chronic eye infections, a broken tail that was never tended to (he was a cardigan) arthritis everywhere, rotting teeth and a thyroid condition. We started with full body x-rays, full blood panel, medication for his eyes, ears, antibiotics and medicated shampoo. As he picked up a few pounds and became a bit brighter he had his teeth cleaned. He also started on thyroid medication. Days went to weeks and weeks to months and slowly this dear boy began to blossom. Knowing the level of care he needed I decided to keep him here.
Zen was always thankful of his soft beds, his regular meals and having fresh water at several locations in our home. While he slept a good part of his life he was always near when he was awake. He was kind to everyone and got along wherever he went. He even became our class mascot at the school where I work with disabled children. His picture still hangs on the wall. I dont have the heart to tell the children he is now in heaven.
Several weeks ago Zen had a severe seizure. He was most disoriented for hours following. I chatted with my dear vet who could really only offer bloodwork and medication. The medication is a sedative and I chose not to use that as he slept most of the time. We agreed to watch him. He awakened me at 3 a.m. on the 16th with the most mournful howl. As I found him I saw that he was once again seizing. I administered a sedative and decided to watch him for a time. Sadly he was more confused then the first time and truly causing a danger to himself. I crated him to see if the medication would take effect but sadly it offered little help. At 4 a.m. I was on my way to the er vet to end his suffering.
God speed Zen. You were a treasure in my life and added to much. Your spirit was as big as the heavens, your soul pure. Your ability to love humans after being neglected so severely was to be commended. I know there is a star in the heavens that is shining a bit brighter now. You will always hold a special place in my heart.

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Comment by Kathy and Jillie on October 24, 2008 at 11:07pm
As I read this blog I am crying because it brings back all the vivid memories of our late dog. Keke was an American Eskimo who had diabetes, had cataracts that blew out because of the high blood sugar and went totally blind. He was a real trooper and adapted to all that with his blindness and we had to give him insulin shots twice a day. But then he started having seizures, we rushed him to the emergency clinic the first night he had a seizure. They ran all kinds of tests but they attributed to low blood sugar at the time. So he stayed the weekend in the hospital to observe him but he did not seize at all. We got to take him home and he was fine, his blood sugar was becoming pretty stable. But then one morning he woke us when he had a seizure and it was so severe that his head was hittihg the floor. The post seizure lasted a couple hours, just like Zen, he was very disoriented and just wanted to pace back and forth. But it was exhausting because he was blind and he had no idea where he was and was walking into everything. Well, he finally laid down and started to fall asleep when he had another seizure. It was so horrible and so violent that he did not make it, he died in the car on the way to the animal hospital. Seizures are so horrible and stressful because there is nothing you can do for them. The vet said after the seizure took Keke's life that it probably was caused by a brain tumor. We were grateful that after three seizures he did not suffer for a long time. We are so sorry for your lost and you provided a lovely life and safe home for him. You are in our prayers.
Comment by Ginny and Diggory on October 24, 2008 at 10:39pm
I'm sorry for your loss. Sounds like you made the right decision. Thanks for giving Zen such a wonderful home for the last year of his life. I'm sure he loved you very much.
Comment by Mariana on October 24, 2008 at 10:28pm
I'm so sorry. You and Zen will be in our thoughts.

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