I think Cobi is now beginning to think that this getting old thing just absolutely sucks lately. Cobi was 11 years old in June and he has been such a trooper his whole life dealing with epilepsy & all the meds that go with that, but now he seems to be showing the signs of degenerative disc disease. First it started with us noticing that he was slightly dragging his left rear leg occasionally and now as of Sunday he is really struggling to the point where we need to help him at times. He will actually be trying to walk and his rear leg will just give out and he will unintentionally sit down. It is so sad, he just looks at us with those eyes and you can see that he is wondering what the heck is going on here. He still wants to play ball but we don't, so then he will lay in his spot that means he is ready to play and then he just sulks. As of yesterday we started him on steriods to see if that will alleviate some of the inflammation and then the vet wants to reevaluate in a month. He has always been such an active dog, and this is just breaking my heart, especially when he looks at me with those sad eyes. I know corgis can have back problems, but this has totally taken us by surprise.
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