There comes a time in every dogs life where they must be neutered or spayed... And yesterday was that time for poor little Win! After a sad goodbye, I dropped him off at the vet clinic before heading to work (and after a nice snowstorm which added quite a bit of time to our trip). He looked terrified but I knew my little boy would make it. I can't tell you how quiet it was in the apartment last night... Even Venus (my roommate's dog) was depressed. This morning, I woke up at 10 till 9:00 AM and headed up to pick up little Win. He has to wear an e-collar (did I get that phrase right?) for 7-10 days so he doesn't pick at his wound... The poor little guy is terrified and keeps running into things. It seems a lot tougher to wear one of those when your legs are so short! He's really sad too because he wants to play in the snow but he's afraid of running into things. Poor little guy.

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Comment by Arlette on December 11, 2007 at 1:29pm
what a cutie pie. . .it's so hard when they get fixed because they aren't supposed to do much, but they are still SO energetic!! They didn't put a cone on Blaze, and he only whimpered a lil' on the way home. (which of course made ME cry) But spaying/ neutering is for the best if you aren't going to breed or show!!
Comment by Lauren + Winston on December 9, 2007 at 4:14pm
Hahaha yeah he likes to scoop up snow and then eat it. He seems to be getting used to it... It just looks so uncomfortable. And I wasn't even here for his first night back from the vet... I was visiting a friend at college. :( But he seems to be doin' alright, he had his dad. Little Win does seem to forget it's on there sometimes because he tries to scratch his ears and just scratches the cone!
Comment by Avyon on December 8, 2007 at 5:19pm
Aww... You'll make it sweety :) Its not as long as it feels I promise!

He'll be doing the plow move in no time haha! Roxi learned to do that.. We were.. um.. more entertained when she got her collar *dodges glares* so we put treats on the floor.. and she would slide across the kitchen trying to pick it up *shooooooooomTHUNK!*.. being a smart cookie she learned to scoop it up with the edge eventually and we called it the plow! though.. they also learn to use it to push EVERYTHING out of the way... oye! It was revenge I swear it!
Comment by Corgi Mom on December 8, 2007 at 4:50pm
Oh Winston! It'll be okay soon sweetie! :-) We're all praying for a quick recovery.

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