We had a very successful family walk around the riverwalk here in Pueblo yesterday, it was unseasonably warm and we all enjoyed it. I was so proud of Tuffy as he is not familar with stairs, strange dogs, ohhing and ahhing strangers, ducks, etc etc, but took it all in stride....all while walking along like a good boy on the leash. Honestly I did not know people were sooo unfamilar with the Corgi breed until yesterday! We were stopped so many times and asked what kind of dog he was, and each time after I answered it seemed as though they had expected a certain response and the answer "corgi" which I had provided was unacceptable, lol. Only one older lady who stopped me, who still had to inquire on the name of the breed, knew anything about them, she informed her younger companion that " The queen of England has lots of these little dogs".lol

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Comment by Spartan on March 3, 2009 at 6:07pm
I just love it :) I had one gentleman tell Spartan his legs will catch up to him,lol he had no clue.
Comment by Susan Stanton on March 3, 2009 at 3:48pm
Corgis are truly attention magnets! I used to have a dog walker come mid-day when I lived in NYC, and they would go for long walks (he only walked one dog at a time, not 10 or 12 like others). Then when I'd walk Bertie later on or on weekends, all kinds of people would stop and greet him (one time, some guy in a taxi shouted at us, "My man, Bertie, what's shakin'?" Bertie seemed to take it in stride, but I was flabbergasted. Everyone stopped to talkk to us, everyone thought he was the cutest ever, and only the guy who had a Corgi hearing aid dog knew what breed he was!
Comment by Sondra on March 3, 2009 at 2:22pm
Yep, I had a couple at the dog park on Sat ask me what breed she was. I also told them the Queen has like a dozen of them!
Comment by LaVerne & Shirley on March 3, 2009 at 1:44pm
I know exactly what you mean. People actually pull their cars over to ask me about LaVerne when we are on our walks. One little old man in particular cracked me up. He said to me...." Is she normal? Sometimes people get to inbreeding their dogs and they just dont come out right!" I assured him that she is supposed to look this way and she is perfectly normal. I couldnt help but laugh after he drove away. I guess I forget that she doesnt look like most dogs and her stubby little legs throw people off....lol. One of the many reasons I love her so much!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on March 3, 2009 at 1:41pm
Great photos! I never get tired of the adoring comments. Corgis do attract a lot of attention. I also get asked a lot what kind of dog he is. Or "what happened to his legs?" LOL

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