Here is the latest Handsome George dilemma.

He goes up stairs especially to follow CorgiBear. But our stairs in the house are carpeted and as he can mosey up them, he will not on his own, go back down. Handsome George was born 9/17/07, and we brought him home on 1/22/08. So he is 4 months and change. CorgiBear came home at about 3 months. She always tried the steps and yea there were some funny moments but I do not remember having to carry her down after being home a week. One of the first things I worked on with here were stairs.

So I will assist HGeorge down the stairs, I sit in front gently grab front paws and place them on a step, I than grab back paws and let them down on the same step of course he is sitting sideways at this point on the step and receives a Charlie Bear. We do this shuffle slowing down all steps. Lots of praise and CharlieBears follow.

He can get up stairs but now down the inside steps. Now he does navigate the outside four brick steps without hesitation or need of a CharlieBear. Can the inside steps be steeper, they are also longer. I try to get CorgiBear to join us and she will wait a few steps down but does lose interest in the process and bounces gleefully down the rest of the steps and stairs back at us. I was hoping he would follow CorgiBear......

Any ideas.

Also, if given the chance HGeorge loves to lounge around instead of play. He and CorgiBear run around outside chasing and playing with each other, and sometimes in the house, but more often than not, HGeorge can be found on the bed lounging.

I feel he is a lazy little guy, which each dog is different. However, I will not be able to carry a 24 lb boy dog down the stairs in the next year.

Any ideas on step training would be appreciated?

CorgiBear did not require this much work.

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Comment by Kristen on January 29, 2008 at 10:09pm
Fergie had the same stair issues that you are talking about. It was just over 4 months when she would finally go down the stairs in the house. The steps from the front door to the outside were mastered very young. I think it was fewer steps and the need to potty that motivated her. Our inside stairs are sixteen steps in a 1928 farm house. steeper and narrower. I think standing at the top was just frightening. Up was no peoboem. We started carrying her part way down and having her finish the bottom half on her own. We would start her further up each time. Pretty soon she was able to do it on her own. She still prefers to go down side by side with another dog. She barks on each step. Funny girl. Good luck, I'm sure she will get the hang of it soon.
Comment by Lauren on January 29, 2008 at 7:59pm
first of all puppies puppies sleep 16+ hours so dont be surprised if he is lazy at first...also i also have 2 puppies actually trevor was born only one day earlier than yours and what i did was get my older dog to go down the stairs then i had the the leash on my puppies and gently pull them a little untill they go down the stair and then i jst keep doing that so they get took them about 15 mins and now go up and down with out hesitation...also remember there bones are still growing so makesure they dont go up and down stairs to often--> it could lead to back and leg and hip probles later on

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