I love to chew on paper. Does not matter how important it might be, just love the shred it. The big dogs in the house sure were having a good time last night had something to do with a SupperBowl...all I know is that they gave me something that tasted like a corn cob...but it was crunchy. I do not get much else other than the stuff they put in my bowl. I really love Princess Penelope Gwendalyn CorgiBear. I like to be with her and nibble on her neck and run from her. She never played before I came in to the big dog house. Oh you are not going to belive this but the big dogs bought us these flashing lights that attach to our neck things, and when I go out at night it looks like something from Doggie Disco Nights.

Well I am just happy to have Handsome George here. When we marry he will officially become Prince Handsome George, of course he is only a prince by marriage, I was born with the title. He know his place and always walks several steps behind his Princess. I can't wait until we are officially married,l all this courtship stuff and the big dogs always watching us is gettting old. Before Handsome George came into the picture I was left alone and did not always have to be with the big dogs. And there is something about me teaching HGeorge about going outside or something. Where else should we go? I learned a long long time ago that WE do not GO in the house.......we GO outside. HGeorge better get with the program :)

Well we have to go and shred paper and run around the house and bark and run some more and shred and chew and and eat and eat and GO..........outside that is......Yea you better go outside Handsome George....

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Comment by Corgi Bear and Handsome George on February 4, 2008 at 8:57pm
Aroooooooooo this one is for youuuuuuuuuuuuuu Sam.....today has been interesting, the big dogs took us for a ride in this thing, i don't know what it was but it was fun slobbering all over the windows and leaving "snozz" marks. The big dogs always have something to say about their windows after we leave the car.....
Comment by Sam Tsang on February 4, 2008 at 5:45pm
Comment by Apollo & Daphne on February 4, 2008 at 5:09pm
aww! that is the cutest intro to ur pups!

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