It may only be a week but sometime tonight Roxi and her daddy are showing up for a week :)

My only worry is Ms. Apex her "sister" my brother's husky. (My mom started the whole family naming system for pets.. we grew up with it.. so aka my brother is Roxi's uncle.. and so on.) She's gotten a lot better and we've introduced her with other dogs so I felt it was finally ok for Roxi to stay for a while. I wanted to be sure since once they were down here there were no safe places to bring her if they didn't get along.

Im still a really nervous mom but so happy to be able to see my little girl for a little bit. Two more weeks will mark two more months till they move here.. so I guess its a good thing to introduce the children before formally moving in for the three months they'll live together. (till the apartment we want is open finally)

On a funny note while Im making another blog finally.. One of the older ladies down the road that knew me growing up got a taste of Corgi attack a month ago when I slammed my brakes and hopped out of my car after noticing her Pemmy running around out front. (by the way.. to make things more amusing.. that pemmy was brought home when i was in 8th grade... you do the math lol last time i saw that dog it was 4... it was odd to think of that)

Holding in the squeal (I hadn't seen another corgi for a while..) I politely asked how old her pemmy was and thus started a nice relationship. He's an older pup and about to pass so a few weeks ago she got a puppy.. which I once again slammed those brakes when i noticed it romping around the yard lol. (its so tiny.. sooooo soo tiny..)

so we have a play date since I don't think Roxi has seen another corgi since she left her birth family and the ladies poor puppy has only old dogs to play with :( I'm waiting for it to get bigger before introducing it to the husky.. who is also a puppy but a little big right now and also likes to use her paws... practically "punches" every dog she meets lol.

oh well.. off to clean and stuff *checks clock for 100th time*

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