In the Winter months where do you take your Corgi for exercise?

When it is too bitter outside or the weather is nasty where do you all take your Corgi for exercise?

I want to find, if there is such a thing, as an indoor dog park. It would be great to be able to get him out running on those not so nice days.

Until I find that perfect place please share your ideas and suggestions?

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Comment by Christina & Vicki on February 24, 2008 at 1:45pm
Is that little blue outfit with the blue collar snow gear for Lincoln??? He is a adorable tricolor corgi. We added you as a friend :) Hope you don't mind. You can't see it in Mimi's pictures but now that she's 4 months old, she has lot's of black coming in on her fur. I'm so excited because I've always liked tri's but didn't think Mimi was one. I will be posting some new pics soon that show her new fur color better. Anyway, how old is Lincoln?
Comment by Erika on February 19, 2008 at 3:49pm
If it is too cold for a human, then bundle up. Seriously, this has been a record winter in Wisconsin, but even when wind chills are 20 below, Murphy charges right out and plays as though the toy in his mouth were not a block of ice. We walk him twice a day, every day, and even on the coldest days, Murphy does not do the "cold paw dance" if we keep moving. Believe me, I'd love any excuse not to walk him in a blizzard, or when it is below zero, but he doesn't protest a bit. He doesn't wear boots or a coat, but if your dog gets cold feet or shivers, you might try these before keeping him cooped up.
Comment by Lincoln is Corgilicious on February 17, 2008 at 10:25pm
What about those days that it might be too bitter for a human? Im talking wind chills and frost bite weather! :)

I like the idea of the laser pointer.
Comment by Edison on February 17, 2008 at 12:54am
I have yet to find weather to bitter for Edison after his winter coat grows in. He will happy spend all day in a snowbank. The only weather he does not like is rain.... if it is raining we can hardly get him to go outside to pee no matter the temperature. I we feel like he needs more exersize we pull out the laser pointer. He will chase that little red dot endlessly!
Comment by Lauren on February 16, 2008 at 6:48pm
Well were I live it doesnt get TOO cold but it gets pretty cold, or atleast cold enough for me not to want to go outside. and on those days, we play a little bit of tug-of-war and fetch. also because we have 2 puppies they tire each other out. there is also an indoor dog park around here called DC Area Indoor Dog Park Meet-up...

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