Lincoln is Corgilicious's Blog (11)

paw issues - getting worse & VENTING!

So Lincoln has never been a fan of others trimming his nails. Anybody could touch them and play with them, kiss them, massage them ... anything BUT trim them.

Last Sunday Lincoln went to PetSmart for his grooming and I gringed when I saw the lady working ... she is not that personable and has never been patient with Lincoln. The other groomers know him by name and just love on him giving him hugs and kisses. This lady is always quick to say that we don't play enough with his feet, he… Continue

Added by Lincoln is Corgilicious on June 14, 2008 at 9:12am — 8 Comments

Toy help ... please

It seems like each toy we purchase for Lincoln eventually gets destroyed by him.

Our problem is that we need some "organic" or "non destructable" toys. He ends up eating pieces of them and then vomits.

He eats the rope from rope toys, he eats the nubs off the plastic toys, he chews the stuffing ... then he vomits.

He is 8 months old ... what can we get for him so he still can play and chew? Something that we don't have to worry about him eating then… Continue

Added by Lincoln is Corgilicious on May 31, 2008 at 11:52am — 12 Comments

Potty issues again!

Lincoln has regressed yet again on his potty training. We have no idea what to do. We started the bell training a couple weeks ago and it has worked perfectly. Now he goes potty inside then rings the bell. I am confused.

Sometimes he will ring the bell and we take him out and we walk and stop for potty breaks. He doesn't do anything. We are out for probably 20-30 minutes. We come inside and I turn around he pottied in the house.

Please help ... we need suggestions of… Continue

Added by Lincoln is Corgilicious on April 30, 2008 at 9:13am — 8 Comments

Choking Corgi - help us avoid this!

Lincoln eats sooooo fast (I personally think he just inhales it rather than chew).

The other day he was done and he started choking - by the time I got from the other room to the kitchen he had stopped. I think he scared himself a bit.

Tonight he was eating dinner and he started to choke in the middle of it. He looked up at Eric with his ears back and ran to him. Eric pressed on his belly to try and release it ... he finally spit it up in his mouth.

How can we… Continue

Added by Lincoln is Corgilicious on April 3, 2008 at 9:01pm — 4 Comments

Ultrasonic Bark Control by PetSafe?

It is not the collar ... but the little device.

Anyone use anything like this? Have you had success? Is it really safe for our dogs?

Lincoln won't stop barking when we have him in timeout (almost to the point of eviction by our neighbors) and when we are eating dinner.

Just wondering what your thoughts are on this ....

Added by Lincoln is Corgilicious on March 14, 2008 at 1:03pm — 6 Comments

Is Lincoln lonely?

As of late, Lincoln becomes really "depressed". He sits by the door and lays there ... he sits under the window and just lays there.

We take him out regularly for walks and we are constantly playing with him in the home.

It seems like when we are done playing or come in from a walk he gets in this "depressed" state. He just sits in this mood and sighs a lot.

What is it from? What can we do to help him (we can't have another dog for a playmate)?

Added by Lincoln is Corgilicious on March 13, 2008 at 11:44am — 9 Comments

Lincoln is 5 mos - when does teething stop?

I can't be for sure if he has lost all his baby teeth yet.

He lost a tooth (that he spit out and I knew about) as late as last week.

He seems to very mouthy this morning and has gotten a hold of almost everything that he normally wouldn't touch. Nipping seems to be his 2nd name the last couple of days.

I guess my question is - when should Lincoln be done teething? This way I can look out for and try to be prepared for his behaviors.

Added by Lincoln is Corgilicious on March 9, 2008 at 11:29am — 1 Comment

Lincoln's bed was shredded!

Came home from work and there sits all the stuffing ... in the crate, outside the crate, on top of the crate!

He has had the bed for about 4 days now and has been fine. What happened today?

He also pooped in the living room after being outside where he pooped and peed?

Is he upset with us for something?

Added by Lincoln is Corgilicious on February 23, 2008 at 5:17pm — 5 Comments

Lincoln is all tuckered out ...

He went for a nice long walk this morning ... he needed to stretch his legs a bit I would say.

I am sitting on the couch doing hw and i see him slowly drop his head and let it hang there with his eyes half shut. Next thing I hear ... him snoring! He looks so innocent for some reason. He is probably dreaming of ways to torture us later.

I have never heard him snore before. I have to move but I am afraid to make noise cause I don't want to wake him.

Ohhh he just… Continue

Added by Lincoln is Corgilicious on February 18, 2008 at 1:40pm — 3 Comments

In the Winter months where do you take your Corgi for exercise?

When it is too bitter outside or the weather is nasty where do you all take your Corgi for exercise?

I want to find, if there is such a thing, as an indoor dog park. It would be great to be able to get him out running on those not so nice days.

Until I find that perfect place please share your ideas and suggestions?

Added by Lincoln is Corgilicious on February 16, 2008 at 5:04pm — 5 Comments

new Corgi parents

Eric and I new Corgi parents. We couldn't pass him up when we saw him.

We named him Lincoln and he is 4 months old. He is a curious little boy that always seems to amaze us with something that he does.

Lincoln is doing just fine with all of his training. We are lucky to have such a good boy.

Sadly, on his part, he was neutered today. We are crossing our fingers that he doesn't retreat on any of his training because of the surgery.

Added by Lincoln is Corgilicious on February 15, 2008 at 12:48pm — 3 Comments

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