I've had Ginny now for a month, which is really hard to believe. She seems to be getting bigger every day. She's 13 weeks old now. Life with puppy has been both rewarding and challenging, but I feel such a bond with my little girl and I just love her expressive face. I've been working so hard to really socialize her to different people and environments because my hope is to have a friendly, loving and well-behaved companion who is great in all sorts of situations and with different people. Every Saturday morning I take Ginny to "puppy social hour" which is a blast. All these puppies get together and run and tumble with each other until they get totally worn out. Ginny is usually the smallest, but she's got a lot of personality to make up for it! She loves going (and I love that she takes a great long nap afterwards...) She also has puppy preschool on Monday nights and has already learned some basic commands. I can tell she's very smart and hopefully when she's a bit older, I'd like to get her into agility class. This afternoon she went with me to one of those open-air malls just so she could meet other people. She likes going and when we're lucky enough to have nice weather like we had today, it's nice to get out of the house. It's interesting how often you'll here people say they've never seen a corgi puppy. Puppies are just too cute... Anyways, we're having fun getting to know each other and I'm working hard to keep my shoes up so they don't become chew toys.

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Comment by Sam on February 17, 2008 at 10:15am
Keep up the good work. This is a wonderful start for a pup and will help you have the best all around companion you could ever ask for.
Comment by Cindi on February 17, 2008 at 6:43am
It sounds like you're doing a great job with Ginny!

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