Is my spoiled little princess becoming a royal brat?

Ginny is one week away from graduating from her puppy kindergarten class… They grow up so fast. Before I know it she’ll be dating, moving out and going to college. Well, maybe not. But I am trying to enjoy these sometimes trying puppy days because I know she’ll never be this cute and little-- again.

Anyways, I had to talk to her trainer a bit last night because she has been Little Miss Jealousy with me and other dogs. If I pick up poor old Abbie, Ginny goes bonkers! She starts barking and jumping and trying to bite Abbie’s legs. “That’s MY mom! Get down! I’m going to BITE YOU!” Apparently, I’m not allowed to show affection to anyone but Ginny. It’s funny, because in general she gets along with other dogs. She only has a problem when I pay attention to them.

The trainer calls it “resource guarding.” She says I am one big resource to provide Ginny with her every need, from cuddles to cookies. So far, I guess I’ve been a little half-hearted about NILIF. I give in to her sweet little face too easily. But starting today, she’s going to have earn everything! The problem is that her “daycare provider” (my mother) is going to take more training than the dog. She’s pretty inconsistent with her and it drives me crazy, but having Ginny spend the day at her house is better than the alternative of being home along in her crate all day. Any suggestions… let me know!

After puppy class last night, I went to an Uppercase Living home party. These are basically these vinyl stencils that press onto your wall. You can get lots of designs and saying in different colors. I got one for above her kennel that will say “Simply Adorable” in purple. Once my roommate moves out this weekend, I’m going to fix up the spare bedroom for the animals. It’s going to be great. I might even get one of those big kitty condos for the cats as I’m sure they have felt incredibly neglected this past month.

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Comment by Ginny and Diggory on March 4, 2008 at 7:39pm
Thanks all! Ginny actually graduated from puppy class last night. She's been doing better, but still has her "tasmanian devil" moments. I'm trying to be very firm, but fair and I pull her out of play when she gets too zany and then she has to sit and wait until she settles down until she can have her freedom again. She is the cutest thing though... especially when she romps in the snow!
Comment by Patti on February 27, 2008 at 9:54pm
Ginny's mom, there are a couple of excellant trainers here that can help u, but my best bet would be to follow your trainers lead - don't confuse the issue. stay consistent in the home, ask your trainer about your mother, keep Ginny busy and learning new things and especially knowing that you are the boss(not in a mean way) and in control of the food. Corgi's are notorious for puppydom - but are phenomenal adults - and well worth the wait! Best of luck!
Comment by Becca [Formally Siduri] on February 27, 2008 at 8:28am
Jake still gets fussy over "things." Like my daughter's bed...he insists it is his and growls if he is told to move over. Well, needless to see, the floor is his next stop and a stern NO.

Comment by Kristen on February 26, 2008 at 4:38pm
Your puppy sounds like mine. Fergie will jump in my lap as soon as I sit down and guard me. She has even nudged Brodie (new puppy) out of my lap so she could take over. Then they taunt their success. Lizzie our 4 year old also likes to be in the seat of honor.

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