Hi everyone! Thanks so much for the well wishes! It is wonderful to be back home with my little one. He is just a joy. Sorry I haven't responded sooner, I have just got back home today. And Baxter and I are EXHAUSTED! We both had a good two hour nap after we got home. He enjoys his naps but when he is awake he is a busy little bee! He's such a little sweetheart though. His crate training is going well, he's been very quiet in his crate, protesting just a little here and there, and he didnt make a peep last night, though that may change tonight. Hehhe, hope not. He's a fearless little guy and just struts up to everyone and everything like he' s 200 times his own size.=) I'm just thrilled to death with him.

Last night when we got to Heath's house he had not yet had any water since we left Tennessee, well he dug right in and I thought he was going to drink till he popped. I took the water up and of course ran him outside and afterwards he started having some congestion in his nose and lungs. He sounded like a little piglet toddling around. I wondered if he might have sucked some of the water down his nose when he was drinking. Does anyone know of this problem? The breeder told me that he might start 'huffing' since he had his bordetella vaccine because his mother had done the same thing and sometimes it seemed to pass on to her puppies. She told me not to worry that it goes away in a few days. I called and asked her about it and that apparently was the huffing she talked about but said that maybe they were getting water in their noses when they drink instead. He had a little congestion this morning but by afternoon it had completely went away. This evening after he ate his dinner and drank some more water though it came back. I am going to take him to the vet tomorrow, was going to anyway to get him a good going over and set up for his regular vaccines. I definitely have that new mother syndrome, worrying about him getting sick. But other than sounding like a little warthog he is completely fine during these episodes, eats, drinks, and plays like it doesn't effect him. So I don't know what it is...anyone have any ideas?

Got some pictures to post! =D

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Comment by Karen & Bailey on March 17, 2008 at 10:25am
yayayayayay hes home! he's the cutest thing!!! ok maybe not the cutest (ahme Bailey lol).. but yea i worry that Bailey may get sick everytime he does something that i dont think he should be doing. I'm thinking now Bailey MIGHT have allergies. Will call the vet today to find out. He's got a little bit of a runny nose but its clear.
Comment by Sam Tsang on March 17, 2008 at 9:17am
Comment by Kristen on March 16, 2008 at 9:06pm
Let the fun begin! Congratulations on having Baxter home with you.
Comment by Tracie & Emmy on March 16, 2008 at 7:14pm
If it is what I think it might be, my vet described it to me as a "reverse sneeze." It happens when dogs "snarf" up an ittitant into their nose. Can be dust or dirt, or if he hasn't mastered the depth of his new water bowl yet it would be that too. It is a god awfle sound, and I swear everytime Emmy does it I fear that she can't breathe, but it is completely normal. Certainly double check with your vet, especially if he sounds conjested while breating normally. (That is not a symptom of this reverse sneeze, which I have renamed a "Snarfy Narf" I know, its stupid... the name just fits!) Anyway congrats on getting him home - enjoy his puppyhood! Good luck wt the vet tomorrow! :-)

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