winnie has finally learned down pretty well, though its funny now when you tell her to sit and she'll go half way into a down look up realize she isn't getting treated and then sit down with this accomplished look like "well if she didn't want the first one she'll be happy with this"
she is walking pretty well on the lead, and her come is getting better, we are also using a clicker with the come as she seems to really respond to the click when she is off leash in our back yard.
Winnie is loosing teeth like crazy --last night one of her bottom canine's fell out. but because of this i think she has lost her appitite. she won't even devour her raw meat she sorta licks it and eats tiny bites.
the only thing that i worry about right now is that she isn't getting enough sleep. winnie doen't want to miss out on anything ever. even in her crate in a dark room with the door closed she just sit and wait for something exciting to happen. the reason i think she isn't sleeping enough is that she has bags under her eyes and i swear she is always up. I hope this is a puppy stage, because i know she needs more sleep.
winnie is finnally like to play with dogs now and she seems to do well with kids even thought we don't have any of our own. as summer comes i hope she gets more exposure to kids.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
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