Winnie_the_dog's Blog (11)


Its been a long time since I have posted anything on here. We just got a "nanny" cam and installed it to spy on our little puppy. It is quite enlightening... she really just sleeps all day. She is also one of the most restless sleepers I have ever seen. But it is very cute and it does give me a mid day boost to go spy on her.

Added by winnie_the_dog on May 21, 2010 at 4:09pm — No Comments

happy birthday Winnie

I can't believe that my little corgi is one years old. We had a fun time giving her some extra treats some new toys and then frapping in the yard. but i think she will be a puppy for a while longer, what with the total disgregard for commands sometimes, and her constant need to be awake and moving.

anyway not much else to say about her, other that i am so happy we decided last year to get the little ball of fluff.

Added by winnie_the_dog on October 20, 2008 at 12:13pm — 11 Comments

Seriously, my dog is smart

So the last time I blogged Winnie had just started to finally get the basics of stay. We are now in an intermediate class at Pet Smart and Winnie is doing great.

Last night I had one of my proudest moments with her. We had to sit the dog and place them in a stay at one end of an aisle (while the store was open). Then I turned my back to her walked all the way down the aisle faced her and told her to "break" and then "come" and then sit ("front"). And she did it with out a thought.… Continue

Added by winnie_the_dog on July 23, 2008 at 2:05pm — 1 Comment

yay winnie

Winnie finally is making progress with the stay command it has been a frustrating few months, especially with puppy class as all the other pups were more that happy to stay. They only thing is that because I can't treat during the stay (she breaks either at the break command or at the offering of food) i worry that i am treating and praising the break not the stay. We will continue to work on this nightly and maybe i can start treating the stay as she gets better.

Other than that the… Continue

Added by winnie_the_dog on April 15, 2008 at 3:24pm — 4 Comments

gee where to mom and dad go all day?

Hi Hi Hi --it's Winnie here! I had a great weekend with mom and dad. we walked, we played, i dug in the dirt, i ate the dirt, i rolled in the dirt, i even got a bone.... a real one with marrow and all! But then after two wonderful sunny days, mom and dad leave me again. Its not that I mind too much, because I never sleep when they are around (too much to see and do, don't want to miss out). But you would think they would be happier playing with me. I mean Lisa the dog walker comes over and… Continue

Added by winnie_the_dog on April 8, 2008 at 12:45pm — 2 Comments

my smart doggy

winnie has finally learned down pretty well, though its funny now when you tell her to sit and she'll go half way into a down look up realize she isn't getting treated and then sit down with this accomplished look like "well if she didn't want the first one she'll be happy with this"

she is walking pretty well on the lead, and her come is getting better, we are also using a clicker with the come as she seems to really respond to the click when she is off leash in our back… Continue

Added by winnie_the_dog on March 18, 2008 at 10:00am — 3 Comments

what a week!

winnie is losing teeth like crazy... which means she isn't eating her kibble as ferociously. We think she has also had a cold because she was sneezing and snorting a bunch. Needless to say my baby was a bit more subdued this weekend.

We (after reading about other's use of it) invested in a furminator and it worked great. we had been brushing winnie at least once a day with little effect. now it is 4 days later and her coat is still looking great with minimal… Continue

Added by winnie_the_dog on March 4, 2008 at 12:18pm — 4 Comments

Stairs, Part II

Winnie is now going down stairs like a pro, even though two days ago all the cheese in the world coun't have bribed her. She continues to amuse me with all of her quirks and moods.

We got more snow last night, good packing kind, so Winnie chased snow balls around for 2 hours. i think she would have stayed out all night if we had let her. Dog loves her some snow.

Added by winnie_the_dog on February 26, 2008 at 3:13pm — No Comments

Stairs -Yay!

Winnie went down the 6 stairs that lead from our house to the yard on her own 3 times thismorning for the first time ever. we are still working on the full stair cases inside, but I was so excited and proud this morning. No more carrying her out. yay!!!!!

Added by winnie_the_dog on February 25, 2008 at 11:11am — 2 Comments

chew chew chew

winnie loves to chew.... i am so happy it isn't destructive, but i wish i could find a toy that lasted more than a few rounds with her. at the cost of 10$ a toy and about 4 toys every two weeks we will be broke soon.

I feel bad as I am sure her teathing isn't fun but i don't understand how she destroys things so quickly. her wubba kong had one "leg" chewed in about 10 min of good quality chewing time... the first time we gave it to her.

In other news we have just started… Continue

Added by winnie_the_dog on February 24, 2008 at 9:04pm — 5 Comments

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