I know everyone thinks their pet is the best but I feel so attached to my little Corgie and wish everyone could have a Corgie "experience." It is so much fun to see everyone's Corgi pictures and videos. It just gives me the warmest feeling inside. I don't beleive you could find a cuter puppy than a Corgi. Even when they become adults they keep that playful nature and those EYES are incredible. Their faces are so full of expression as if a voice will speak from their mouth any minute. My Corgi knows exactly what I'm thinking when I look at her and I can tell what she's thinking by looking at her. She is definately a pouter. Whenever I go onto my bathroom and begin to put on makeup and fix my hair, she lays on the floor with her head inside her paws and just looks up at me the entire time. I hate to leave her becuase it seems to make her so sad. When I get home
she is soo happy to see me. Her love is such a blessing that is indescribable. I feel so blessed that she came into our home and I believe she was sent straight from Heaven especially for our family.

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Comment by Concetta on March 19, 2008 at 9:11pm

I feel the same way as you. I hate going to work in the morning and leaving Roxy. She is the best thing that has happened to our family. She is so sweet and so much fun. Can't wait until teething ends but she is so great. there are days when I wish I could bring her to work with me to comfort my patients. When things get tough at work, I just look at pictures of my husband and Roxy and I feel so much better knowing I will be going home to the them. My co-workers laugh at me because I talk about the dog so much. I always knew in my heart that a corgi was the dog for me. It is nice to know that other people feel the way that I do. Are there any corgi owners on this site that live in Broooklyn?
Comment by Florence Fong on March 19, 2008 at 8:37pm
My sentiments exactly. I believe that once you have a Corgi in your life, you will never look at another breed. I have been a Corgi fan since the age of 9. Now, I am an adult and my love for them has not diminished. In fact, I adore them even more. A Corgi never fails to bring a big smile on my face. :o)
Comment by Tracie & Emmy on March 19, 2008 at 8:37pm
I could not have said it better myself. They are such amazing dogs, each and every story, video, and picture I see here puts a smile on my face.
Comment by Christine Glossman on March 19, 2008 at 1:59pm
Oh yes I agree, they're magical. Did you ever see the Welsh tale about the Cardis? The faires (in the tale) rode the dogs, and they say, if you look close enough you see a kind of saddle on the dog. Pumpkin has it!I'll research it and post it a little later. It's very cute to read.
Comment by Kate on March 18, 2008 at 9:08pm
You are absolutley right! I feel the same way about Oakley. It's funny, before I joined mycorgi, I was always worried when people would say they wanted a corgi after meeting Oakley. I thought that she might be an exception (and she is :D) but I have since learned that there are many exceptional and unbelievably amazing corgies out there.

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