I posted last month when the cat that I had left behind when I moved was euthanized.
I had also left behind a dog, Toby, 14 years old. He was a Sheltie/Collie mix. Such a sweetheart!
My parents went to Belize for my aunt's wedding, and while they were gone Toby was apparently not eating at all. He usually didn't eat as much when my parents were gone, but this time he hardly ate anything for the week. When my parents got back home he still wasn't eating, and then he lost the use of his back legs. My parents had to carry him up and down the stairs to go outside all the time, and Toby would just lie on the ground and pee on himself because he couldn't hold himself up. My parents brought him to the vet, and they concluded that he had cancer (lymphoma). They said they could run tests to be sure, but that it would be purely diagnostic and there is no cure. Toby was old anyway, and I told my parents it's not right to make him live like that. So the best thing was for him to be euthanized. The vet said he probably didn't eat because his throat was swollen, and lost the use of his legs due to other swelling - apparently lymphoma does that.
So that happened on St. Patrick's Day. Needless today, I wasn't in the holiday spirit. Not that I ever celebrated it before, but I've completely given up on that holiday now. This year was the 10 year anniversary of my grandfather's death, and his wake was on St. Patrick's Day. This year I was really starting to get into it for the kids at work, but after hearing about Toby I lost all interest.
At least he's in a better place now. My parents are having a hard time because they've lost two pets in the last month and a half, the house feels empty but they're not interested in getting another pet right now.

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Comment by Christine Glossman on March 21, 2008 at 2:01pm
We're so sorry about your loss. Our pets become our family and its always hard. This site is a real tear jerker but it somehow give you peace of mind.www.indigo.org/rainbowbridge We were going to Europe for 6 months last year with Pumpkin but our older dog who was 16 1/2 couldn't make the trip. We had made plans for someone to stay in the house to watch over him but he had a stroke 1 week before we left, and we were only glad we were with him until he went over the bridge. Although he would have loved the "dog life in France".
Comment by Corgi Mom on March 21, 2008 at 12:22pm
I am sorry to hear about your loss. Fourteen years is a long time and it speaks volumes for the love your family and you shared with Toby. You are in my prayers.
Comment by Nicole on March 21, 2008 at 1:55am
When Toby had passed, the vet told my mom that he was running around up there with Shadow (our cat) and Sarah (another dog) with his full beautiful coat of fur (my parents had shaved him in the summertime and it still hadn't grown back!). I think we will be greeted by our beloved pets!
Comment by NoClaws4Alarm on March 20, 2008 at 10:59pm
I teared up as I read your post. All these wonderful pets leaving us... ::sigh::

You are right... it takes a while before you can even consider another one... I don't know if it's guilt -- because we feel like we are betraying their memory -- or the idea that they devote their entire lives to us... the least we can do is have a period of mourning before "replacing" them.

I try not to think of it like that. More like... we live longer for the express purpose of giving as many pets as we can... full and happy lives.

Maybe it will help to know that Toby had no regrets... that til the day he passed he loved you all unconditionally and will be waiting at the gate when you take that path, yourself.

I hope that when it's my turn...I'm greeted by an entire herd of corgyn....

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