We are awaiting confirmation from a rescue here in Houston about a puppy we are hoping to adopt. She is a brown and black Corgi/Dachshund mix. We are very excited! We have been wanting to get another Corgi, but we wanted to go the "rescue route". She was left on the side of the road in a box with her brother. She is only about 11 weeks old and she is such a cutie. Say some prayers we get to bring her home! Duke will be so excited to have a lil' sister to play with.

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Comment by Lauren (Duke and Daisy's momma) on March 27, 2008 at 1:06pm
Thanks ya'll! We sure hope we get to bring her home! Spoke with the foster parent today, and we are sending her pics of our yard and home so she knows where lil' "Daisy" (that's what we will name her) will be living. Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts!!! :-)
Comment by Ginny and Diggory on March 27, 2008 at 11:45am
I can't wait to see pics! That seems like an interesting mix! Good luck!
Comment by Charlie on March 27, 2008 at 11:23am
I can't wait to hear what happens. Good luck and positive thoughts for you to get your confirmation. Make sure your camera battery is fully charged for lots of pictures to share with us! : - )
Comment by Kristen on March 27, 2008 at 10:51am
How exciting for you. Did you realize that the Queen of England has experiemented with crossing Corgis and Dachshunds? She calls them Dagis...Sad to be left on the side of the road, but wonderful that the little girl will find a loving home! You are in my thoughts and prayers on this one Lauren. good luck!
Comment by Sam Tsang on March 27, 2008 at 8:46am
That's awesome Lauren!

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