Trevor's (and my) first post

OK so me mom said we were going to have a fun, fun, fun day. i was soo excited. i didnt know what we were going to do but she look happy so i was lots happy. But then she put me in the car:( She lied to me! Cars are NO fun. No way jose! Abby thinks they are a blast so i hide behind her. Me mom calls be a baby but what can I say I is only 6 months!. Well it turns out she wasn't lying after all. After that horrible car ride we got out and we got to this open field. My mom called it Bethesda Dog Run (she told me to tell all the dog lovers/owners in maryland should go. She says it is like 2 minutes from Montgomery mall/Westfield, it is big, open, and although it is non fenced it is safe and off leash, it is also free. For more info give my mom a msg.) Well at first Abby and I had to be on the leash but when we saw other doggies running around free me mom decided we were allowed to too.

We saw 2 whippets, a pug, a golden retriever, a very fat australian shepard, an australian cattle dog, a poodle, a pappillon, and a golden retriever/samoyed X. I tried to play with one of the wippets but i was SOOO fast and it kept hitting me in the face with its front paws. So I stopped and then it when over and sniffed Abbys butt for like 10 minutes until him and his owner left. i was going to have to beat him up. SHE IS MY GIRL!!! But I kept me cool. After and hour and a half we were all getting tired and kinda cold so we went home. I slept all the way home. I even forgot I was in the scary thing! I got home and i slept for 4 hours, and still sleeping. lots of hard work. I will try to get me mom to take me tommorow!

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on March 30, 2008 at 9:42pm
I also used to hate car rides, but now I'm 8 months old and I love them!
Comment by JW on March 30, 2008 at 6:25pm
Don't worry buddy, Griff hated car rides for a long time, too! Soon enough you'll be sticking your head out the window and loving every minute of it!
Comment by Avyon on March 30, 2008 at 5:56pm
Awww another great day! :) Your mommy must love you lots to take you to such a special area!

Hope your there today playin again!
Comment by Cindi on March 29, 2008 at 9:18pm
Sounds like you all had a great time!

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