Hey guys. I haven't been on here is quite a while but I felt the need to update how my doggies are doing.

So to start off last friday was Trevors second Rally competition. There were 16 dogs in the class. We were in Novice B. And guess what HE WON!!! This is the his second competiotion and this is his SECOND win. Thats right he won both. The other class was only out of three. But still he makes me such a proud parent considering i have completely taught him everything he knows by myself. I haven't taken him to any classes. He really loves it too. We got a score of 100 and he got fastest time. Thats pretty good for being a corgi.

Abby is doing well too. I haven't done anything with her because 1) she is registered in AKC database, so i'd have to sign her up for PAL and 2) she isn't very smart. She enjoys being stupid and cute. It has gotten her far in life.

Megan is turning 13 tomorrow!!! She is getting so old but she is still acting like a puppy. She is getting really fed up with these two puppies in her house still. They are getting more brave and are learning to dominate Megan. She surely isn't too happy about that. But she knows where to go to escape from them haha.

Hopefully the pictures will be up soon so i can put them up.

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Comment by Beth on November 30, 2009 at 9:22pm
Congratulations! You deserve to be proud. You must have put in so many hours of work with Trevor.

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