Its officially been 2 days since we lost Juni, and its not any easier. I catch myself daydreaming of her sitting next to me in the car on our way to Petsmart, or her laying at my feet so I could rub her belly with my toes. We loved that dog to pieces! I also started crying in secret since it makes my 2 yr old sad when I cry. When does it get better?

I'm so thankful for everyones comments, thoughts, makes me smile knowing so many are thinking of her. Too bad no one ever got to meet her; she would have LOVED a corgi meetup. I can't stand that she's not around. I can't stand that the pics we take from now on will exclude her. I can't stand that we didn't get to say goodbye--or the thought that she died without either of us there for her. I especially can't stand that I love her, but don't have her.

We're moving Max inside permanently. My husbands gonna be off for a week, so we'll start crate training him. I don't want to risk something happening to him; we still don't know what happened. I heard maybe she got a frog, but I don't know if she died from messing with a frog.

Anyway, thanks again to everyones comments, they mean a lot during this time.

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Comment by Sam Tsang on May 5, 2009 at 9:01pm
It's important to let your feelings out and not bottle up inside, it's okay to grieve, to feel sad, we are all only human and it's because of how much you love her that's why you feel this way. For me, my shower is my sanctuary where i can cry my eyes out, be myself, by myself and take the time i need without interruption. Remember to take time for yourself, your little one and your husband needs you too :) I pray that your heart will be comforted and once again filled with everlasting joy. Take care!

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