

My Pembroke, Rosie, gets quite scared during all the fireworks during the 4th of July.  Are there any suggestions on how to help calm her?  I wont be home to help her through this, and if I was, it wouldnt make a difference anyway.  Does anyone have any medical resolutions to help calm a corgi through this difficult time?





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Comment by Sam Tsang on June 19, 2012 at 4:49pm

Hi Jeff, our home in Florida is right next to the baseball stadium where there's fireworks at every ball game. It's best that you keep her in a walk in closet for the duration. My dogs run into hiding every time we have fireworks / sonic boom from the shuttle. For those who insist on taking their dogs outside during the fireworks, make sure you readjust your collar, wrap or tie the leash around you, cover your dog's ears and hold them in your chest.

Comment by Shippo & Koga Corgis on June 19, 2012 at 2:29pm

I hear the Thunder Shirt works wonders with most dogs.  I want to get one for my other dog, Eevee, who is also terrified of fireworks. Other than that, when there are fireworks, I usually like to crate Eevee in a nice dark room with a fan and some music playing loud enough to drown it out till it's over.

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