60 Hours to Go . . . Oh, the Agony of Waiting for Miss Daisy

Dear Reader

Oh, man (or should I say 'dog'?), it's hard to wait for Miss Daisy to get here. Momma is scrabbling around the house and garage trying to find all the necessities of new-dog-life. Currently she is missing the little post thingies and a larger thingie that all hold her dog play pen together. Since I am neither a scent nor a sight hound, I can offer her no assistance.

The kibbles, however, are another issue all together. Speaking of kibbles, do you s'pose Momma will give me some, at this late hour? Well, if she's having a snack, I should have one too. Akshully, I alwayz gets 2 cookies at bedtime. I wishes I could have more.

But I have to watch my waistline for when my ruff grows out and I can go do some shows and maybe brings home some more ribbonz . . . an' goodies if it's a show where you gets goodies. Once I gots a cardi tote bag, but my faves are the 2 bath towels wif Welsh dragonz embroidered on 'em. Momma likes them too. But she won't use 'em for my baths, darn it.

Maybe I'd better go looks around for some toys I can give Miss Daisy. I hopes she likes toyz. We coulds play games together when she gets to be less afwaid.

So, dear Reader, I am gonna sleep tonight wif visions of Daisy dancing 'round in my head. So . . . Night, night. Sleep tight. An' I'll just skip dat part about the bugs thing. It makes me too itchy.


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Comment by Nicola Porter on April 17, 2009 at 6:14am
This is so cute, it really gets in my head that it Skeezix talking.

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