My Anticipation Mounts . . . . One More Day Till Daizy. . . .

Dear Readers

If you has been following my blawg of lates, you'll knows dat I haz a new sissy coming . . . Daizy awwives tomorrow! I iz so excited I can't spell vewwy good today.

An' on top of dat, de Cardi Nationals have been going on an' I have been watchin' da noooz from der to see if I knows any of da cardis. An' I do!!! It is gwate dat dey have hads such a good time, but I wishes I could be there az well.

I wuz s'posed to go but Momma mades a mistakes and so here I iz at home. About 2 weekz after my sissy, Miss Emily, wents to da Wainbow Bwidge, I gots a tummy upset. Ewwwwwwww.

So Momma, bein' nervous about my health after Sissy gots so sick so fast and couldn't be saved (we still criez lots an' lots for her), she tooks me to our vets to makes sure I waz okay. When Momma gots me back she discovered dat my vet--to take my blood boooooooo--hads shaved a biiiig patch from my handsome white ruff.

Well, I couldn't goz to da Nationals cuz I would not be in my full handsomeness and such. My ruff iz still gwoing in, an' I hopes to go to sum showz again in late summer. I likes being home wif Momma (an DAISY) cuz we plays a lots an' I don't have to haves so many baffs . . . . hee, hee.

But back to de real thing, and dat's Daizy.

Oh, boy.

She iz so pretty and but so afwaid of things. We iz gonna shows her, right from da first day, dat life can be wonderful. Ourz certainly will be wif her here. I knows Momma is wanting tomorrow to be today so we can haves Daizy here wite now.

In da meantime, becuz Momma iz so cheerful, I'm gonna see ifs I cans gets her to give me extry cookeezzzz. It never hurtz to capitalize on an opportunitee to gets more cookeezzzzz! It haz alwayz worked for meee.

Dear Weeder, I will be catching you ups on Daizy az soon az I cans after she awwives.


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