Just about one year ago I decided that I wanted to get a dog. Not just any dog - I had red and white Pembrokes on the brain. I did all sorts of research: How to potty train? Answered! What to feed him (because it was most definitely going to be a he I was sure)? I love you guys on MyCorgi - totally Answered! Where to get one? Found a breeder in New York who had my Killian! How much did it cost to raise one?

Hmmm... Answered? Kinda. Rough estimates mostly. So what have I decided to do?

For all of you new-to-the-puppy world I've gone back and compiled all of my expenses. Nope, not just most. Not just the big ones. ALL of them - here for you to gander at. Could you say I overspent in some areas? Absolutely! But that's kind of the fun here. :) To be as helpful as possible, please keep in mind that these are expenses incurred in the greater Boston area up to his first birthday.

Let's play accountant shall we?

Wow... pricey! But worth every penny. :D

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Comment by Jessica on March 16, 2010 at 11:17pm
Yeah. Some things (especially our starting and toy costs) have been reasonably low thanks to online shopping. :). I have to say that I am very thankful for sites like dog.com and Amazon. That and we only had to totally stop feeding only one bag of the "test" foods. I can't imagine goingthrough 5 months of testing different foods!
Comment by Sky and Lyla on March 16, 2010 at 10:20pm
Man, that's exactly why I DON'T add those kinds of things up! I know my Sky would probably be upwards of that, although Lyla would be pretty close I bet.
Comment by Monty'sMom on March 16, 2010 at 8:47pm
Sadly I can say you got off "cheap". We had at least 4 baby gates and I know our start-up supplies were in the 100's. I also had to live through 5 months of constantly changing food to figure out Monty was allergic to chicken so my food costs were much higher. The toys and treats were my downfall and I am now on a self-imposed restriction:-) Of course seeing that number is making me cringe...but they are so worth it!
Comment by Jessica on March 16, 2010 at 7:57pm
Of course you can Sam!
Comment by Sam Tsang on March 16, 2010 at 7:53pm
Thanks Jessica! May I put this in the FAQ?

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