Hi All,

So last night I left 10 month old Scraper at home with the boyfriend and friends while I went to go watch a movie. I got a call from the boyfriend saying that Scraper started limping... so I came home and I asked what happened and he said that Scraper was running around the house being hyper and playing with everyone, later everyone went out to the backyard and Scraper came out crying and limping. Scraper was limping and barely walking around, but eventually went to sleep. I was freaking out because it happened late Saturday night and the usual vet I go to is closed on Sundays. Sunday morning and Scraper began walking a little more but still with a limp in his right hind leg, never wanting to put pressure on his leg. So at the vet the nurse stretched out Scrapers leg, pushed around, but he had no reaction to any of it hurting him but they couldn't understand why Scraper wouldnt put any pressure on his leg when he was walking. They wanted to take X-rays of his leg and hip to see if there are any fractures or whatnot... but it would have cost me $400.00! $400.00 to a college student. My goodness. I decided to wait it out for a day to find a vet that wouldn't charge me an arm and a leg. I've found multiple places that will charge me $200.00 for the office visit and X-rays.

The thing is, it is Sunday night now and Scraper has started to walk pretty normal again. He's starting to put weight on his leg and running around like nothing happened.I still want to take him in to the vet tomorrow morning to get checked by the vet just in case, but do you all think that I should get him Xrays?

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Comment by vicky on February 9, 2009 at 3:03pm
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. It's now Monday afternoon and Scraper is back to his normal self, running around on all fours. What happened was so odd, I just wish he could talk and tell me what happened and if he's okay! I am still contemplating on whether or not to take him to get Xrays, I need some peace of mind. I have an appointment this Wednesday with my regular vet to get some routine shots so I'll ask him for some advice.
Anymore advice would be greatly appreciated!
Comment by DR, Nala & Simon on February 9, 2009 at 12:08pm
Keep a close watch, don't let him jump or rough playing for a couple of more days (yes right, very easy). If Glad to hear Scraper is doing ok, it might have been a sprain. My advice, is have always some extra money, for these cases. I was there too as a student and it's a hard decision (not cheap either). And, always have a close watch, specially on those "sudden quiet moments", thats when trouble always happen. Good luck! and a speedy recovery for Scraper.
Comment by Liz on February 9, 2009 at 10:01am
Hi Vicky, my little girl - D'lilah had the similar problem serveral, we found her limping and didn't use her right back leg, we took her to the vet, the vet pulled her trouble leg around, she didn't want the vet touch her leg but didn't look hurt at all. the vet offered to do x-ray but also mentioned it might be overkill, as the probabilily of fracture bone was very low. my husband definitely was a beliver of "better safe than sorry", so we did it. everything was fine.

so far d'lilah is still doing the same time, she won't use her right back leg esp after laying up for a while, after she is warm up, no leg problem at all. we hope it's just a little sprain and it will take a while for her to recover.
Comment by Lou Ann Lemaster on February 9, 2009 at 9:24am
Duncan did that when he was little. By your picture, Scraper looks young, the same age Duncan had the injury. It was more of a slight sprain then anything. Keep him quiet as much as possible. My vet also recommended large breed puppy food. He said the large breed food gives fast growing dogs less protein, which gives their bone plates time to grow properly.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on February 9, 2009 at 3:18am
Oh, tough call. If I was in your shoes and Sidney started walking normally again, I would probably not get the xrays. Maybe it was just a sprain. Then again, you might get some good peace of mind if you get them done, and a "better safe than sorry" attitude might make you feel better. Please let us know how Scraper is feeling and, if you do get the xrays, what the verdict is. I'm hoping everything goes well and Scraper is back to his old self!

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