I need advice. My husband thinks I am over-reacting, but I think something needs to be done.

We adopted Ed in November. He is just over 1 year now and neutered. We've had Ein since July, he is just under a year and also neutered.

The boys have occasional issues in the house, probably about 5 fights a day. They fight over different things, attention, space, toys etc. We try to catch them if they are staring at each other and draw the attention away or spray the aggressor. That's inside.

Today, I was taking the boys for their second walk of the day and we passed by a house on our usual route with 3 barky dogs. They rush the fence and constantly bark at passerbys. Today, I was focusing on not letting the boys pull on the leash. I want a loose leash as we walk, so we ended up stopping in front of the yard because Ed was pulling. It seems that Ed always lunges at other dogs when on leash. If Ed is in a fence and the other dog is on the other side, he tries to herd the other dog and barks at them constantly. I have been trying to draw Ed's attention away (which is sometimes impossible because he is obsessed and we end up carrying him away) when he does this and teach him "Quiet".

Anyways, Ed was getting frustrated that I wasn't letting him get closer to the other dogs. He was pulling and I was trying to make him sit or draw his attention away as he was bouncing all over the place. Ein must have got in his way, so Ed attacked him. Please keep in mind that this isn't completely unusual. The boys still fight in the house and they play very rough. But, this time I noticed some blood on Eins fur. So, I took Ein back, had my husband look him over and took Ed out to the aggressive dogs. The entire time before we got to them I worked on loose leash, "watch me" and "Sit". As we got closer I could tell that Ed was getting excited, so I took him to the opposite side of the road, and continued working on those commands. When he got excited, I tried to draw his attention away. Anyways, after working on obedience for about 15 minutes, I took him home. I didn't want to reward him with a walk after he had attacked Ein and misbehaved.

The boys were getting two 1/2 mile walks a day until it got too cold. If it is below 0, I don't take the boys out. I try to do a bit more obedience training in the house, or play with them more, but sometimes it doesn't work.

This seems like a constant thing with Ed. Lunging at other dogs, barking and getting completely obsessed. What can I do. This is getting to be too much and we need to do something. My husbands thinking is that he doesn't know what to do, so let's not do anything.

We haven't taken Ed to an obedience class yet, but we are training him. We have Ein signed up for another class, and then we will take Ed. But, I'm worried that he will be too aggressive in the class or just be too distracted.

Any ideas? Please help.

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Comment by Lauren + Winston on January 13, 2009 at 2:36am
I watch the dog whisperer all the time and when cesar is dealing with two dogs that are aggressive, the one that attacks he will make lay on their back. pretty much he makes the dog submissive and obedient towards him, and makes sure he does it in front of he dog. so example: lets say ein and ed are going on a walk and ein decideds he wants to lunge at ed... break the two up, keep ed standing there but force ein to be submissive, roll on his back. then after ed notices that remove ein from the situation. thats the key part. you ahve to have confidence in what you are doing because if youre uneasy about it then the dogs will sense that and continue to do it. i would watch the dog whisperer because honestly its help me a LOT in training winston!!!
Comment by DR, Nala & Simon on January 11, 2009 at 7:12pm
Maybe sign Ed for a couple of private classes with a trainer? I am sorry that I do not have another advice. But as I was reading, it was the first thing that came to my mind. Good luck!

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