Tina's Blog (15)

Whining at night

I've looked through the forums and couldn't find something similar, so decided I'd try it this way.

Ein is now a bit over 1 year. He will wake up in the middle of the night and whine. This usually starts at about 4am and he just doesn't stop. We've tried ignoring him (we tried to out wait him about 2 hours but he continued whining). We think he is just lonely, but this is getting ridiculous. If he is tired enough, he'll sleep until 6am (when I get up), but it seems to take a lot to… Continue

Added by Tina on March 23, 2009 at 12:27pm — 2 Comments

Vote for Ed in the Bissell contest!


Added by Tina on February 10, 2009 at 4:39pm — 3 Comments

Aggression on Leash

I need advice. My husband thinks I am over-reacting, but I think something needs to be done.

We adopted Ed in November. He is just over 1 year now and neutered. We've had Ein since July, he is just under a year and also neutered.

The boys have occasional issues in the house, probably about 5 fights a day. They fight over different things, attention, space, toys etc. We try to catch them if they are staring at each other and draw the attention away or spray the aggressor.… Continue

Added by Tina on January 11, 2009 at 5:47pm — 2 Comments

Sibling Rivalry?

I need your advice. We adopted Ein in July when he was 4 months old. He was neutered around the time that he was 6-7 months old and has been through 2 training classes. We adopted Ed in November when he was 1 year old. He had been neutered shortly before we adopted him. We haven't enrolled him in any training classes yet, but we are teaching him what we learned while teaching Ein.

Here's the problem, they fight a lot. I assume it is just because they are figuring out who is top dog, so I… Continue

Added by Tina on December 27, 2008 at 11:24pm — 2 Comments

Going to Bloomington Dog Park

We are taking our second dog to the dog park for the first time tomorrow morning, around 10am. We haven't been the to the Bloomington, MN dog park, but we are going to try it. If anyone is interested, please join us.

Added by Tina on November 21, 2008 at 8:55am — 2 Comments

Ahh Ed

When we got our first corgi, we were fine that he had trouble jumping up on things. He couldn't jump on our bed and barely was able to jump onto the couch. Now we have Ed, our second corgi, who is an excellent jumper. He is able to jump on the bed, onto the couch, and apparently baby gates. I tried setting up some blocks so he couldn't just jump over the baby gate. However, it didn't work. I got a call on the way to work, Ed had jumped over the baby gate and set off the alarm. How pleasant.

Added by Tina on November 11, 2008 at 9:02am — 5 Comments

Dog Booties

We've had our first snow of the season here in Minnesota and I am wondering about dog booties. With all the salt and sand that will be put on the roads that we walk on, I was wondering if people recommend these? I don't want our two corgis to be cleaning their feet and eat all the salt and sand that might have gotten stuck.

Added by Tina on November 7, 2008 at 10:13am — 1 Comment

It's official, there is two

Eric and I went to see two corgis at a rescue today. We were hoping to add our family. We had Ein, an 8 month old tri before today. Now, we had Ed, a 1 year old sable. Things are still a little rough at the house. We wanted to introduce the two well, so after they played at the rescue a bit we decided they were a good fit. Once home, we let them play in the backyard for about an hour, then brought them into the basement, a less lived in portion of our house, and then into the upstairs, the main… Continue

Added by Tina on November 1, 2008 at 6:25pm — No Comments

Ein the brat!

Do I need to expect a lifetime of a stubborn corgi? Ein is a little over 6 months and he has just been terrible lately! We got him neutered last week so we thought he would mellow out a bit after it. However, since he has been neutered we are unable to take him to the dog park or the doggy day care, because he can't get his stiches wet and it is harder to monitor him at those places. So, it seems he has bundles of energy but he just doesn't use it appropriately. He gets a 1/2 mile walk in the… Continue

Added by Tina on September 12, 2008 at 8:36am — 12 Comments

Calling all Corgis!

I think it would be great if we could get together at the Alimagnet Dog park in Burnsville, MN on Sunday September 21st. Say around 1pm? This will be Ein's second time at the dog park and his first since he was neutered.

Added by Tina on September 8, 2008 at 8:14am — 1 Comment

First Time at the Alimagnet Dog Park!!

We took Ein to Alimagnet dog park in Burnsville on Monday. He had such a blast. It was also nice to have a tired puppy! We were a little hesitant at first so we kept his leash on until we actually go next to other dogs, then we let him loosh. He was a little hesitant. But he saw the other dogs and started running away, trying to get them to chase him. He got a bit too close to the mud and water and we think he slipped it, but he was such a dirty puppy after that. He ran around in the dirt for… Continue

Added by Tina on September 2, 2008 at 12:02pm — 2 Comments

Dog Park

How do I know when Ein is ready to go to a dog park? He still doesn't come reliably and I thought that was when you could take him to the park. But, I really want him to socialize more and I think it would be fun to go to a dog park.

Added by Tina on August 27, 2008 at 10:19am — 17 Comments

Such a brat!

I think Ein is going through his terrible twos already. He is just under 6 months and he has decided to start chewing on anything. Fingers, shoes, rugs etc. At least he hasn't pretended he doesn't know his commands yet. Our dog trainer suggested we get a cat toy, or just a toy on a string and pull it around so he has to chase it. She said it would both give him a bit of exercise and cause him to not bite us.

Added by Tina on August 20, 2008 at 7:06pm — 7 Comments

First day of day care

Ein is at his first day of doggy day care. We didn't think he was getting enough exercise or socialization, so we've decided to try doggy day care for the day. We definitely won't take him there every day-it's too expensive. But, maybe once a week, we'll see how he does today.

Added by Tina on August 18, 2008 at 9:05am — 6 Comments

Poor Ein

I feel so bad for Ein today. I had left him outside this morning so I could go look at the fuse box. The fuse box has a direct view of outside. I had shut the screen door on the lower walkout so bugs wouldn't get in. I looked over at one point and Ein was happily running full speed to get to me, and smacked into the screen door. The poor guy yelped and ran away from the door. I didn't realize he wouldn't be able to see the screen on the door. Luckily it wasn't the actual glass door or he might… Continue

Added by Tina on July 25, 2008 at 12:00pm — 3 Comments

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