When we got our first corgi, we were fine that he had trouble jumping up on things. He couldn't jump on our bed and barely was able to jump onto the couch. Now we have Ed, our second corgi, who is an excellent jumper. He is able to jump on the bed, onto the couch, and apparently baby gates. I tried setting up some blocks so he couldn't just jump over the baby gate. However, it didn't work. I got a call on the way to work, Ed had jumped over the baby gate and set off the alarm. How pleasant.

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Comment by Ashley on December 13, 2008 at 10:10pm
My corgi is an amazing jumper as well... idk how she makes some crazy jumps with those short legs. She can jump onto my brothers air hockey table, which is really high. It's pretty crazy
Comment by Monique on November 11, 2008 at 9:42pm
koa is my counter cruiser!! If I don't keep the chairs pushed under the table he uses them like stairs to get onto the counter where I keep the cat food!!!
Comment by Tina on November 11, 2008 at 2:26pm
I know. I still haven't seen Ed actually jump the baby gate. We just got another call from the security system that the motion sensor went off again, I'm just hoping that Ed didn't figure out how to open his crate or that Ein has now learned how to jump baby gates...
We're trying to work Ed up to having free reign of the house, hence being baby gated in the hallway, but for now he needs to be put into his kennel.
Comment by Julie on November 11, 2008 at 2:22pm
Awww, Ed!! He was just practicing for agility, that's all!

Caleb hopped his baby gate the first day I brought him into my office, just to demonstrate to me that he COULD get out if he wanted, and it was really his choice to lounge in my office, not my choice to keep him gated. Once we had that established, he hasn't hopped it since. :-)

Two nights ago I think he learned how to fly...I have a very high bed with deep a mattress and while my boyfriend was vacuuming in the living room he came running into my room to escape. I turned around to put something in the closet, and when I turned back towards the bed, Caleb was ON the bed, hiding between two laundry baskets. I'm so bummed I missed that flying leap!
Comment by Kelly on November 11, 2008 at 2:21pm
Yikes, maybe crating him is the best option?

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