I've looked through the forums and couldn't find something similar, so decided I'd try it this way.

Ein is now a bit over 1 year. He will wake up in the middle of the night and whine. This usually starts at about 4am and he just doesn't stop. We've tried ignoring him (we tried to out wait him about 2 hours but he continued whining). We think he is just lonely, but this is getting ridiculous. If he is tired enough, he'll sleep until 6am (when I get up), but it seems to take a lot to get him that tired.

During the day he is restricted to the kitchen, at night he is locked in the bedroom with us, but not allowed to sleep on the bed. Ein isn't crate trained, he decided he absolutely hated it and we couldn't do anything to change his mind. Our other dog Ed absolutely loves his crate though, so I don't know what the deal with that is.

Ein and Ed play a lot throughout the evening, get feed one meal in a rolling kong, get training sessions, and 1 walk a day (unfortunately for ony about 30 min)

Any ideas? What can we do to stop his night whining?

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Comment by Tina on March 23, 2009 at 1:11pm
We do let Ed and Ein have freedom in the bedroom at night, so they could sleep together if they wanted. Thanks for the suggestion.
Comment by Matt & Hilliary on March 23, 2009 at 12:35pm
Do Ed and Ein sleep together? If not, I'm guessing Ed is in the crate. Maybe try to phase out the need for the crate and let them sleep together. That'd be my best guess.

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