So Winston has terrible allergies. I thought they would be gone once the colder weather came, but last night he was chewing himself up terribly :( Has anyone ever dealt with this? I was going to give him Benadryl but I'm not sure how much I should give him... I know that it is safe to give to dogs in small doses... I should give my vet a call and figure that out. But has anyone else dealt with terrible allergies? I've had him get cortisone shots before and take allergy meds that the vet gave him but they don't seem to help much. :(

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on October 27, 2009 at 11:46am
Hi Lauren,
I'm so sorry to hear WInston is feeling bad. What do you think he might be allergic to? If you do take him to the vet, make sure to tell them that the shots and meds didn't help.

We've had some recent discussions about allergies; apparently they are pretty widespread this season. Check the older discussions to see what we have been talking about. Sidney was being itchy, and i was getting to the point of considering Benadryl, but then somebody mentioned fish oil to make their skin feel better. I don't know if that is what did the trick, but after giving him fish oil for about a week, he stopped most of the biting/licking. We just bought the human grade at Costco, poke a hole in the capsule and squeeze it over his kibble. Plus he's getting essential fatty acids and his coat is nice and shiny.

Please keep us posted on Winston. I hope he feels better soon!

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