Has anyone had any trouble with their corgi barking at them when they are leaving their home?

We have also had problems with her barking at us when we are about to take a shower. It has even gone as far as her ripping clothes off our body?

We don't know what to do. Help!

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Comment by Bev Levy on September 17, 2009 at 3:56pm
She is trying to tell you what to do! Stay with me and pay attention to me seems most likely. When I am leaving I put some cheese in a kong and mine love it when I leave. If I am home all day the doberman will bring her kong to me like she is hinting! Big no on the clothing biting. That will just get worse. If she continues after a bite I would close her out of the room briefly.
Comment by Grace, Cason and Luna on September 16, 2009 at 1:57pm
Luna barks at us when we are leaving. She loves to go riding and walking so she is not happy when left behind alone. She hasn't barked at us when we get in the shower but she has jumped in the shower if she knows Cason is fixing to get in there.
Comment by Julie Ham on September 16, 2009 at 3:09am
sorry, I should have said Marie/Chris :)
Comment by Julie Ham on September 16, 2009 at 3:05am
hmm... I know Morgan will kind of bark at me when I'm not really paying attention to him and he thinks I should be. Like if I am checking my mail and I'm not petting him and he thinks I should be he will kind of bark at me but nothing what you're explaining. As far as what to do, in my obedience class they taught me to give a firm no. lol so that's the only thing I can really suggest Marie. Sorry. It is kinda weird. My Bisy does like to bite my pant legs when I put on my pants. but that's as much as I get in that department as well. not much help I know.
Comment by ChrisMarieandPi on September 15, 2009 at 10:33am
She doesn't really rip clothes off but she does like to take them out of our hand once we get undressed. She's been doing the shower thing for a while since we took a trip for a week and had a friend dog-sit. The barking when we leave has just started. I just started my new job and am out of the house more than usual. She doesn't do it all the time though, this morning I left for PT at 530am and she barked, but when I came back for a shower and then left for work I gave her a rawhide and she was quiet.

As far making a big deal when we leave, No. When we come home however, she is very happy to see us and we encourage that, by paying extra attention, i.e. belly rubs and what not. Do you think that could be the issue?
Comment by Alex on September 14, 2009 at 11:52pm
Did this problem just started recently or has it always been like this?
Are you making a big deal when you leave or when you come home?

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