We drove back from Bakersfield, and Bento is officially home!  The drive back was uneventful.  He slept almost the entire way, and he didn't have any accidents.  Of course, as soon as he started to whine, we pulled over and let him out. Once we got home, he started to explore.  


Aside from a few accidents (really need to get that Bissell Spotbot), totally our fault because we weren't paying attention, he's great at whining and looking at you in the face to show that he needs to go.


We gave him a bath, and he didn't like it at all.  Afterwards, he just looked at us with a woebegone expression and turned his head away.  I think that's his version of the cold (and wet) shoulder.  He then promptly went to sleep.  He sure sleeps a lot.  


Bento is the best ever!!


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Comment by Ellen Andersen on June 27, 2011 at 7:31am
Welcome home Bento!
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on June 26, 2011 at 6:13pm

Congrats, how exciting!!!   :)


Having a carpet cleaner can be really handy!!  May I suggest getting a full sized steam vac, in case you have bigger accidents to clean up?  I have the hoover steam vac spin scrub and I LOVE it!!!  It really came in handy when Tucker got a hold of a pkg of hamburger buns, opened them up and ate about 4 before I realized what he was doing!!!  :O   The mess afterwards was pretty big and a spot bot would have been overwhelmed.  With the full sized steam vac, it cleaned up beautifully.  :)  Hope you don't ever have to deal with any issues like that. 

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