Well, we got him last Monday, first shots, wormed and all that jazz. He's been great except for some diarrhea. The first few days I wasn't concerned as diarrhea isn't uncommon with stress but he didn't shake it. Long story short he had a coccidia load and today was the first day of his treatment.
He hates the medication but other then that is awesome and you can actually see him perking back up. He's absolutely fearless and a born alpha, obedience has already started with him and man I can see the farther we go it's going to be fun. I suppose I'm lucky that much of my obedience training was with the more iron willed breeds (Mals, Bully breeds, Siberians) because I'm sure I'll need that experience.

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Comment by Beth on September 24, 2009 at 7:11am
Good luck with the little guy! My understanding is coccidia is quite common and often is carried at sub-clinical levels but then flares up with the stress of weaning or moving to a new home. Jack had it when we got him, but luckily the vet picked it up in his stool sample and we were able to start treatment before he had diarrhea.

You'll probably find your Corgi easy after those other breeds. They can be stubborn but are eager to please.
Comment by Shepdog on September 23, 2009 at 8:47pm
Hahah, aw, I thought I recognized that Caleb. :D

Aw, poor little guy. I didn't even think coccida with the fact you had the food change! Glad you took him in and glad he's on the road to feeling better!
Comment by Bev Levy on September 23, 2009 at 7:36pm
Oh yeah, a corgi should be easy for you after your previous breeds! I have one of those born alphas too. Lots of fun but a bit of a con artist too. Cute puppy. Enjoy!

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