So Chesney is doing great! She already weighs 12 lbs! Is that normal for being 12 wks? I dunno. All I do know is that she LOVES to I only give her a scoop of food twice a day but she hoovers her food and then runs over to Oreos and pushes him out of the way and starts eating I think she might be finally understanding that that is not acceptable because last night for the first time she hoovered hers and then just sat and watched Oreo eat his. But I'm not sure if it might have been because she had her shots yesterday and might have been feeling a bit off. Hopefully she is just
The vet said that she looks great! She got her shots and her microchip yesterday and then they taught me how to clip her nails which let me tell you I just about had a heart attack! I'm so paranoid about doing it! She was pretty excited about her first trip to the pet store yesterday too! We got her a new toy and then went to the raw hide bar and picked out a bunch of rawhide for her and then went to the treat bar and picked out lots of little treats and cookies. Everyone in the store loved her and she loved all the attention.
Ah the life with corgis. Thanks for letting me prattle on!

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Comment by Kala on February 11, 2009 at 9:42am
she's adorable. she's got such a friendly face. :) I don't think our little baby weighs that much yet which makes me worry because our 'kids' are about the same age.
Comment by Rick on February 10, 2009 at 9:02am
I do like to hear you "prattle on". Corgi's Rule!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on February 9, 2009 at 4:19pm
It's great to hear you "prattle on"! Congratulations and I'm glad to hear all is going well. Chesney is adorable!

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