Well Chesney is getting bigger and bigger every day. I'm happy and sad all at the same time...lol. She is doing great on the potty training and learning how to sit. She is having some problems with the recall demand though which sounds like a corgi trait....lol. She is going this Sunday to have more shots and get her nails trimmed. And maybe I'll buy her a special toy...lol. :o)
She was soooo funny the other day. I put a different bowl down for her water than what I usually use and she came around the corner and saw it and just stopped. She looked at it for a second or two and then suddenly started to bark at it...lol. She'd get close to it and sniff and then back up and bark at it some more. Then she laid down and just stared at it while occasionally growling at it...lol. So I took that bowl and put her normal one down and she ran over to it and drank. I was curious so I took that bowl again and put the new one down and she started barking at it again...lol. I don't know what got into her! Maybe she doesn't really like change...lol. But I left the new one down and she finally accepted it. She's so silly.

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Comment by Lou Ann Lemaster on February 6, 2009 at 4:22pm
It is amazing on how quick they are to notice that something is different. Duncan is more aware of anything new in the house before Chloe does.
Comment by Marion and Vern on February 6, 2009 at 2:39pm
That sounds sooo cute! Don't they do the funniest things that bring such pure joy to our lives, we are blessed.

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