I'm so disappointed in Reese. Lately she's been chewing up our shoes when we leave her alone in the house. She didn't do any of that before. But it's like she gets mad at us for leaving her alone. We thought we could trust her and let her have her freedom, but obviously not. We're sad that we will have to put her in her crate again when we're gone.

We might have to store our shoes in a closed area from now on, but I want her to learn that is not good behavior. I told her with a very stern voice "No!" "Very Bad", etc... and not give her any attention. It's not working... and it's not like I can catch her in the act. It's an Angel when we are home.

What to do.......??

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Comment by Bev Levy on August 18, 2009 at 2:45pm
I should have said since Misty is not safe she gets kenneled when we are not around and at night.
Comment by Corgi lover! (Misty) on August 17, 2009 at 4:28pm
I know the feeling!! Chesney does it at night!! If we don't have her sleep in her crate at night she will chew up anything and everything she can get her mouth on!! It's so frustrating! And like you it's not like I can catch her in the act. I'm having a very hard time teaching her to stop too. Sorry I am not any help but just wanted to let you know that you're not alone..lol.
Comment by Aj on August 17, 2009 at 12:07pm
Say "No" and put the shoes away where she can't reach them and quickly replace it with a toy of hers. Ein chewed on my bf's leather sandals (and only that) and we took them away and decided to go to petco and buy a leather squeak toy so that he could chew that instead. And the plan worked!
Comment by Bev Levy on August 17, 2009 at 11:11am
Oh that is a drag! Izzy was like that at our house. It took her a full two years to be safe and even then she occasionally surprises me. Sparty got it after one year and never got into anything. Misty is still not safe in the house and she is almost seven. We leave kongs with cheese in them when we leave so they have something to do at first. I think that helps but I guess it really depends on the pup!

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