Sat. we were at the stable where I board my horse. I walked up to the restroom and Corie followed me, but when I came out, she was gone, so I figured she had gone back to where my husband was sitting. She wasn't there, so he called her and she came running (she had stayed behind to play with the ranch dogs). As she got closer we could tell she had something in her mouth... it was a dead baby chicken . . . I immediately got rid of the evidence.. bad Corgi!
I don't think any one saw her, at least none of the ranch workers came down and said anything to us..... I sure don't want her killing any more chickens!!

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Comment by Susan Stanton on June 23, 2009 at 3:24pm
Yikes! Bertie sure tries, but he's never caught anything. He came really close to a squirrel once, but I swear he gave it a head start so he couldn't catch it. Dogs, gotta love 'em, especially Corgis. She was probably quite proud of herself!
Comment by Bev Levy on June 23, 2009 at 2:02pm
She probably couldn't figure out why it stopped playing!!
Comment by Sondra on June 23, 2009 at 1:53pm
She has killed (and eaten) mice and lizzards. She has gone after squirrels and birds but has never caught one, guess she will be on a leash next time we go past the chickens.... :-(

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