Hey Everyone,
I was just wondering a few questions about clicker training: 1. has anyone had any luck with clicker training on their corgi? 2. does anyone have a book suggestion on clicker training that I should purchase? 3. how long did it take to eliminate the clicker?
Thanks everyone. My hubby and I are getting Rhys in just under 4 and we just want to make sure we are training him with an effective approach!

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Comment by Sarah Rincker on June 17, 2009 at 11:04pm
Thanks everyone. I went ahead and ordered a book and bought a couple of clickers. We are going to give it a shot. :D
Comment by Cindi on June 15, 2009 at 9:00am
I've used clicker training for some time now. And it's not just for dogs! The one thing I do in classes though, is simply reinforce the use of the "marker." The clicker is a marker: it marks a behavior. And, I never seem to have my clicker on me. I snap my fingers. (I couldn't do it in class or I wouldn't have any fingerprints left...haha)
Comment by Sam on June 15, 2009 at 6:22am
Clicker training is a wonderful portion of anyones tool box. I think this is probably the very best way to increase focus and fine tune most anything. Timing must be impeccable. Corgis generally do very well with this type training. It is important to use the process correctly and keep your training sessions short and to a plan. My best clicker trick was teaching one of the corgis to go get a tissue when I sneezed. On the second sneeze she got the box. LOL
Comment by Esther and Winnie on June 14, 2009 at 11:51pm
Hi Sarah! I LOVE clicker training. It's my main method of dog training! The clicker is a tool that allows you to mark exactly what your dog has done right. A good analogy would be using a clicker and taking a picture. When you click, you're taking a picture of the behavior. Timing is VERY important in clicker training.

It's hard to explain in just a few sentences, so I recommend going to www.clickertraining.com for more info.

I'm so glad you're expressing interest in clicker training! IMO positive reinforcement training is the best approach to training ANY animal :)

I do have a youtube account on which I post videos of Winnie and her clicker training- it's www.youtube.com/user/winniethecorgi. You can get an idea of how to use the clicker.

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