Confessions of a Failed Corgi Foster Parent

I got the email from the woman who did the design when we renovated our office. She has a Corgi and knows that I have the Corgi disease. “10 month Old Corgi needs a home” read the subject line…Okay I thought, I know a lot of Corgi people, surely someone would be interested in this darling little man. Success right away! A friend of my daughters and her fiancé said that they would love to take him and on top of that a MyCorgi member close by also indicated they would like to adopt. I picked up this handsome little guy from relatives of the original owners. What a sweet boy, I thought. My daughter’s friend was certainly lucky to be taking in this little guy. He was all personality and full of love. We delivered the boy about two hours away. My part was done…Corgi boy who needed a home found a home…Then a call about two weeks later. Corgi boy didn’t work out. He chewed the corner off of a brand new, expensive sofa and consumed some shoes. Who’s fault is that?…he is a Corgi puppy after all, just trying to make a transition. They just couldn’t handle it. I immediately messaged through MyCorgi, the other individual who indicated interest. Unfortunately they didn’t respond. It has been a while since they were on the site. My husband went to pick up the little guy. I figured we could hold on to him until he finds a new home. Surely he would enjoy hanging out with our pack of five until a new home could be found. Two weeks later…my husband has been sleeping in the basement with him…just in case he truly has an appetite for furniture and so he wouldn’t be lonely. So far the only chewing has been on his leash…bought him a new collar…his other was too small and just wasn’t cool enough…took him to one of my daughters softball games that was three hours away—social training I think…still waiting to see if someone wants him. I’ve emailed several people. Posted again on the Nebraska Corgi Page on MyCorgi…heard a couple of maybes, but no follow through. He loves our little blind Corgi. They wrestle and play until they are soggy from saliva. It just makes me smile…I think to myself. I really need to be sure that the next person is the right person—maybe a criminal background check would be good and a site visit. I look out in the yard…it is a balanced sight. Three red and whites and three tri colors…Hubby doesn’t think “Denver” fits him. “What would we name him if he were our dog?” he asks. Bad sign. He is now allowed to go where all the Corgis go. Hubby is still sleeping with him. He has his own dinner bowl. I am becoming more relieved than frustrated that no one wants this little guy. I am now banned from rescue dog web sites and am not allowed to respond to “dog needs a home” emails. I have failed as a Foster Mom. “10 month old Corgi Boy found a forever home”

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Comment by Kristen on September 22, 2009 at 10:45am
I laugh because one of the rescue organizations I got a Corgi from said they are most proud of their "failed" foster homes. It only means the dog found a forever home. Six Corgis greeting you at the end of the day is pure Chaos. But on days when you feel the world is against you, a mass of barking, happy, slobberly Corgis greeting you at the gate will certainly make you feel wanted.
Comment by Amanda on September 22, 2009 at 10:37am
This is exactly why I can't foster dogs, especially corgis, no matter how much i want to. I would want to keep every one of them.

I see no failure here. You gave a loving corgi boy a loving home, and there's no greater success. My boyfriend says only one corgi at a time. :( I only wish I had six corgi faces to greet me when I got home, it must be a wonderful sight. :)

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