I hoope I don't bother anyone for making a new thread but I am a bit at loss, and needs you guys advice on this... I was scared to tell about this but I am sure you guys won't judge. When I told my Therapist about getting a PWC, she actually told me that they can be really good PSD for my PTSD, Social Anxiety, Angoraphobia, and my night terrors.

All excited I called my breeder about it, and said that PWC are really not good for that kind of work without letting me explain what I would do, and that I made a lot of research once home to find a really good trainer. I also bought little stairs so the PWC wouldn't have to jump on my bed or the couch to either comfort me or wake me up... So she refered me to a Cardigan breeder here in Toronto.

I called her, and after spent 3 hours on the phone we agreed to meet in two weeks but id still prefer getting a Cardigan. After making a lot of thinking I contacted another PWC here near Toronto, and she couldn't believe someone would have said that! She said that she knows 3 people with PSD that have PWC, and that does a very good job..

So now I am confused, I still want to go visit the Cardigan breeder but I am just very confused about it all.. What do you guys think. do you think PWC could make good PSDs? (if your curious about the breeders name, ask me in PM please).

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Comment by Anna Morelli on September 1, 2014 at 7:39pm

Interesting, I never heard that before....  My guess is that some of the people who the dog could come in contact with have impaired immune systems or may be at higher risk for animal  transmitted diseases. and they consider this to be a precaution.  More things can go wrong with a raw diet (from  bacteria in raw meats ) than with processed food.

Comment by Holly on September 1, 2014 at 4:40pm

Hmmm... This area has interesting guidelines. Since I decided to get Sully registered for Animal Assisted Activities I discovered that dogs that are fed a raw meat diet cannot be registered as therapy dogs or for animal assisted activities, such as visiting medical settings, schools, providing 1:1 reading support in schools. I have never fed Sully any raw meat, but this restriction surprised me. Any ideas why that could be a consideration?

Comment by Anna Morelli on August 31, 2014 at 11:16pm

Sounds great, keep us posted.

Comment by Julie Alain on August 31, 2014 at 7:15pm
UPDATE- I went to visit the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Breeder last week. I was so in love with her dogs! We were able to play with all of them, and was touched to my story. Thank you for everyone!
Comment by Kay White on August 22, 2014 at 11:51pm

My corgi was supposed to be a PSTD, Social Anxiety, and angoraphobia dog as well. I never got the money to put him through training so he ended up being just a dog for me.

My depression ended up making training way harder than it should have been. It is possible to train a PWC to be an anxiety animal but you need to make sure you can work with a trainer. For such specific training it can be easy to train them wrong on accident since they look for windows of leniency.

I eventually gave up training on my own. But if you can afford a trainer go for it. My guy never leaves my side, like I honestly can sit with him for hours and do nothing. He hates it when I cry and goes nuts licking me, and rubbing on me, and trying to basically become one with me until I stop. He lays with me when I get bad panic attacks, I have to get on the floor and lay down because my head starts to spin and I don't feel okay being up on a bed or chair and he will lay under my arm and just be with me.

I can honestly say though, that from what I know of Pems, and what I have read of Cardis, is that corgis in general feel for their parent/partner/owner (what ever you want to call yourself) when they are distressed.

That is why I personally pressed so hard for one, I think things would have gone 100% smoother with mine if I could have gotten my disability payments and hired a trainer but, even so, he still became my best friend in the world.

Comment by Anna Morelli on August 20, 2014 at 7:38pm

Hi Julie, it is not often that I get angry reading a post, but I did in reading yours.... and not because of you.  I can't believe the response you got from some of those breeders.  Oh, well.....

I actually have a Service Dog. Mine is trained to assist me with vision and is a Miniature Dachshund.  I trained her myself, but  I was a dog breeder, as well as a professional dog trainer. I will refer briefly to your specific questions: The breed matters.  In your case you should select the breed you feel most comfortable and safe being with and one you are attracted to.  Same for the choosing an individual puppy.  A good breeder can help you in the selection process, but look for one who seems in tune with you and you feel in tune with.  I definitely recommend a puppy, not an older dog.  People confuse Therapy Dogs with Service Dogs. Sorry Holly, but I don't agree when you say Julie's will not be a Service Dog.  A support dog for PTSD most definitely qualifies as a Service dog.  I will be more than happy to help you in any way, if you message me privately . Best wishes.

Comment by Julie Alain on August 20, 2014 at 1:11pm
Will do Linda! Next week I am going to meet the Cardigan Breeder. She seems to really know about my situation, and would really like to help. She doesn't have any dog to rehome but she is getting a litter in a few months. This weekend I am also going to spend time on the phone with the Pembroke Breeder to see what she could do to help me. I will keep you guys posted!
Comment by Linda on August 20, 2014 at 12:50pm

Julie.....please keep us posted on how the search for the right corgi and training go.  As for an older dog, contract breeders...after checking them out...about them retiring one of their dogs.  Both of mine are from the same breeder but Max came to us as a rescue.  Katie was a show dog for a short time...just enough to get a title...and then she was bred.  This breeder only breeds her females twice in 4 years.  We got Katie after she had her 2nd litter.  She is actually Max's cousin, their mothers were sisters.

Comment by Julie Alain on August 20, 2014 at 12:16pm
Thank you so much everyone! Jane, both the PWC, and CWC breeders keep there puppy until 10 weeks old, I would comsider an older dog but they seem rare in Ontario. I also already contacted a great dog trainer that had 4 Corgis in the past, and a vet that see Corgis often, and was able to give me some referals.

Beth, I need a routine every day or else I get a bit anxious so I think the Corgi will be great since we would follow a routine together.
Comment by Beth on August 20, 2014 at 10:18am
Corgis are very sensitive and can make good service dogs if their short stature is not an issue. For PTSD, I'd say to be honest: as I said, they are sensitive dogs and in tune with their people. They don't handle chaos really well, and like a predictable routine more than some breeds. So if you can provide that, then they have great potential.

A puppy would be fine if the breeder knows what you are looking for.

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